North American tour with LOG, As I Lay Dying, ..


"2 songs went great, The 3rd after a git. change, well... not so much. We actually stopped the show there. First time in 4 years with them."

"In the time I have been with them, never a canceled or missed show. And only stopped gigs over crazy tech shit."

As disappointing as it would be for fans expecting to see COB on the remaining dates of the tour, I can't see how anyone could blame Alexi if he decided to stop now and concentrate on letting his injury heal - no-one would want him to compromise his health
Wow thats sucks !! Yeah if he's quitting a show it must really really hurt. Shame for the fans though, but definately best if he gives it a rest :rock:
It was really bad last night. His playing was awesome, but he opened his mouth and I could tell something was really wrong. His speech was slurring massively. I was in the back and I couldn't hear any singing at all by the third song. I didn't know how he could keep up with the singing after I heard him talk. It was seriously something scary. I'm really worried. I didn't get to talk to anyone cause Chris got sick in the middle of Lamb and we went home, but I really hope Alexi is ok.
It was really bad last night. His playing was awesome, but he opened his mouth and I could tell something was really wrong. His speech was slurring massively. I was in the back and I couldn't hear any singing at all by the third song. I didn't know how he could keep up with the singing after I heard him talk. It was seriously something scary. I'm really worried. I didn't get to talk to anyone cause Chris got sick in the middle of Lamb and we went home, but I really hope Alexi is ok.

The slurring could have been from the painkillers he's's a poss. I was very bummed out we only heard those few songs as I went to this show mainly for CoB. I'm just glad I got to see what little I did given the condition of Alexi. Get well soon Alexi and I can't wait to see ya on the next stop around me.
Yeah, but even with the painkillers, how could he sing if he was having so much trouble just talking? He can't take that many painkillers to the point where he is no longer functioning, that doesn't work either for putting on a show. I just feel bad for him, he needs rest.
Wise desicion ! Was insane to play with broken ribs and shoulder + internal bleeding ffs !! Sorry for the fans, but best thing to do. Hope you get well soon dude and come back to kick more a55 !! :rock: Wish you all the best !

There's only so much damage a person can take.Tons of respect to him for lasting as long as he did but this is a relief..that youtube vid was painful to watch and the talk of him slurring his words was well worrying too.Least now he's not jeopardising his health and can fully concentrate on getting better not just getting through the next show. Get better soon Allu :)
After having seen that vid I definitely appreciate that they quit the tour. Of course it´s bad for both the fans and their "US reputation", but hey after all I want him to be able to feed me with music a few years more ;) so better recover now than make everything worse. You´re right Tina, it´s somehow relieving.

Ed: This is what has got to tell about it:

BW&BK scribe Mark Gromen has checked in with the following update:

"As previously reported, the broken shoulder proved too much for guitarist/frontman Alexi Laiho, as a check-up in Philadelphia, PA resulted in he and the band packing it in, leaving the five remaining dates of the No Fear tour supporting LAMB OF GOD. Guitarist Roope Latavla confirmed the diagnosis as BW&BK helped him store his packed suitcase underneath the tour bus (in anticipation of heading back to Finland). While the show was canceled, the former STONE guitarist showed up onstage to help MUNICIPAL WASTE dispose of a beer bong. The band now plans to head home, hoping the three weeks of rest and relaxation provide Laiho the opportunity to recuperate before their commitmments for European festival season."
I admire Alexi a whole lot for trying his best to continue the tour the way he could, but I also agree this is the best thing they could have done, given the situation. Not only it's huge physical pain for him and a source of stress for the other guys in the band, but it also affects their performance and probably somehow fails the expectations of the fans, even though everybody knows it's inhuman to ask someone to give their best at playing guitar when their shoulder hurts like fuck.

So, just like everybody else said above, I really hope Alexi gets in perfect shape soon, no long-term effects, and the band continues kicking ass during the summer festivals.