Give me classical music tips

BACH BACH BACH BACH BACH BACH and some Beethoven. Any and all.

Stravinsky is weird and modern, but very good.
haydn, händel and vivaldi are good (i'm afraid i can't give any titels or so since i've mostly got my classical music in mp3 form with incorrect names in most cases)
Gustav Holst - The planets?

You know, the piece Quorthon ripped off for the last song on Twilight of the gods.
Mozart - Requiem
Orff - Carmina Burana
Wagner - Ride of The Valkyries
Mussorgsky - Night On Bald Mountain and Pictures At An Exhibition
Saint-Saens - Danse Macabre
Grieg - In The Hall of The Mountain King
Dukas - The Sorcerer's Apprentice
Berlioz - March To The Scaffold
Ravel - Bolero
Bizet - Carmen and L'Arlesienne
Chopin - Sonata No. 2 in b-flat minor
Stravinsky - Firebird Suite
Beethoven - 5th, 7th and 9th symphonies
Vivaldi - The Four Seasons
Holst - The Planets
and plenty more

I also recommend any John Williams classical guitar pieces you can find.
Liszt, Debussy, Rachmaninov, Chopin, Mussorgsky, Mendelssohn, and Grieg are current favourites.
ScottG said:
Wagner - Ride of The Valkyries
This being the legendary bit of music from Apocalypse Now?

If so then I feel like a semi-fool, because I've been meaning to check out Wagner for a year or so now and if anyone ever mentioned that he was the guy who's music was used for that bit...I must've forgot (A because I watched the extended edition of that film and found it VERY dull after the surfing-loving dude went away and B I'm a bit drunk)
Schubert- late string quartets/quintet
Berlioz-Symphony Fantastique
Bartok-Conerto for Orchestra
Shostakovich-String Quartet no. 8
A big YES to Debussey, forgot about him.

And yes, the praise put toward Four Seasons does not nearly do it justice.

My favorite Bach are the Brandenburg Concertos, if you like Four Seasons look for these.
Samuel Barber's Adagio for Strings. It's quite a moving, depressing piece, with certain sections played significantly louder than others to emphasize turmoil. It was used as the main theme to the movie, "Platoon". Barber is a recent composer too, he only died in 1981.

Also, listen to those who say "The Four Seasons". Think Negura Bunget's 'N Crugu Bradului if you want a frame of reference, but composed in the early 18th century. Also, if you're after more sombre classical, as opposed to the happy waltzy stuff, get away from the Germans and head towards Italy. Lots of Italian composers wrote music under the rule of the church, so there are lots of depressive/oppresive undertones, and plus the Renaissance period itself is quite moody, earthy, etc. (Lots of mandolins, harpsicords, flutes, etc).

With all that said, the greatest composer of all time was probably Bach.

Johan Sebastian Bach > Sebastian Bach
Erik said:
1) It has, I've downloaded a bunch of pieces (yes, I know, classical works should be heard as a whole etc, but I'm just kind of getting a taste for what I like and what I don't here) and burned a CD of them, including Chopin, Mussorgsky, Stravinsky, Wagner, Sibelius, Holst, Vivaldi, Berlioz, Saint-Saens, and probably others I don't remember right now. It will take some time to investigate all the stuff mentioned here, but I am quite thankful for all the recommendations...
The interesting thing about classical music is that there are literally thousands of orchestras around the world recording the same compositions over and over. This makes classical music quite cheap to buy, so for example, you can get Vivaldi's Four Seasons played by the Moldavian National Orchestra for $2 or the same music played by the London Philharmonic for $15. As you can imagine, there are coinneseurs out there insisting on specific orchestras and conductors, and so forth, but if you ever decide to buy anything, you can always start at the cheap end.

2) The answer is yes. I'm not sure how rare the first album is, I only have MP3's so far. ESSENTIAL stuff, quite ahead of its time for 1980. If Candlemass playing the first Iron Maiden album except with lyrics about magic, witches and Satan sounds like something you enjoy then just get the album already. Why yes, I can burn you a CD-R as part of the trading deal, no problem, thanks for asking. :D
'If Candlemass playing the first Iron Maiden album except with lyrics about magic, witches and Satan sounds like something you enjoy...'. Hmmm, let me think about it. :loco: I think I'll buy it this evening. :cool: