GMD Poll: Bathory's Discography Ranked


Active Member
Apr 18, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
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Directions: Rank Bathory's 12 studio albums. Order and number each album 1-12. Ties are OK. Your first place album earns 12 points, your second place album earns 11 points, etc.

  • You may rank as few as 7 albums. Lists with less than 7 albums will not be counted.
  • If you list less than 12 albums, the first placed album will still get 12 points, the last placed album will still get 1 point, and the albums in between will have points distributed proportionately. The average points earned for albums that are not listed will not be impacted positively or negatively, so if you don't rank an album, you neither help it or hurt it.
  • If you don't number your list then it will be assumed that it is in ranked order
At the end, the albums will be ranked based on their average number of points per vote.

You have until Friday May 31st at 4 PM PST to finalize your list, re-familiarize yourself albums you haven’t heard in awhile, familiarize yourself with albums you haven’t heard at all, lobby for any albums you think are underrated, and lobby against any albums you think are overrated.

Bathory (1984)
The Return... (1985)
Under the Sign of the Black Mark (1987)
Blood Fire Death (1988)
Hammerheart (1990)
Twilight of the Gods (1991)
Requiem (1994)
Octagon (1995)
Blood on Ice (1996)
Destroyer of Worlds (2001)
Nordland I (2002)
Nordland II (2003)

Members who voted for this thread: @crimsonfloyd @CiG @EchoForever @Phylactery @challenge_everything @Slayed Necros
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Requiem - solid thrash album, 6/10
Blood Fire Death - not-so-solid thrash album with some great highlights but also some garbage, 5/10
Bathory - a couple songs manage some great hooks but the evilness is Semen of Satan-tier, and it's a glorified heavy/speed metal album pretending it's something heavier under heavy production, 4/10
Octagon - noisy and sloppy but has some value in its consistency and style, 4/10
The Return - the S/T but slightly worse, 2/10
Under the Sign of the Black Mark - need to relisten but I'm pretty sure it belongs around here
Hammerheart - Manowar for people that want to take Manowar seriously, 1/10

Possibly the least talented and interesting thing of similar or greater repute in metal. Quorthon was nothing but a hack and gave Chuck his AIDS.

EDIT: Earlier opinion on the S/T slightly revised
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1. Twilight of the Gods - My first Bathory experience and still my favorite. Basically the blueprint for all those folk/viking/pagan everyone loves
2. Blood on Ice
3. Nordland I
4. Hammerheart
5. Nordland II
6. Blood Fire Death
7. Under the Sign of the Black Mark
8. Destroyer of Worlds
9. The Return
10. Bathory
11. Requiem
12. Octagon
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Reactions: Draehl and CiG
  1. Hammerheart
  2. Twilight of the Gods (almost a toss-up with Hammerheart, but unlike Hammerheart it has some songs I dislike)
  3. Blood Fire Death
  4. Nordland I
  5. Destroyer of Worlds (good songs outweigh crap ones imo)
  6. Blood on Ice (I might get shit for not putting this higher, but a large part of it just drags on and bores me)
  7. Nordland II
  8. Bathory (in a way it's better than other stuff I ranked higher, but I prefer uneven albums with a few memorable songs over a consistent album that sounds kinda the same from end to end)
  9. Under the Sign of the Black Mark
  10. Requiem
  11. Octagon
  12. The Return (I at least get a guilty pleasure from Requiem and Octagon once in a while; this one just bores me to shit)
I don't have time this month to give an appropriate listing but based on HBBs list I'm just going to mostly invert:

Under the Sign of the Black Mark
Nordland I
Twilight of the Gods
Nordland II
Destroyer of Worlds
The Return
Blood Fire Death
The Return
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How has this not been done yet?

1. Nordland I
2. Hammerheart
3. Twilight of the Gods
4. Nordland II
5. Blood on Ice
6. Under the Sign of the Black Mark
7. Blood Fire Death
8. The Return...
9. Bathory
10. Destroyer of Worlds
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Reactions: CiG
I wasnt going to make a list but some of the ones posted here are so fucking shit I had to. 1 through 9 are all varying levels of great. Destroyer, Requiem, and Octagon are pretty awful by comparison and anyone ranking those anywhere near the top is a fag.

1. Under the Sign of the Black Mark
2. Hammerheart
3. Bathory
4. Twilight of the Gods
5. The Return....
6. Blood on Ice
7. Blood Fire Death
8. Nordland II
9. Nordland I
10. Destroyer of Worlds
11. Reqiuem
12. Octagon
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Reactions: CiG