GMD Poll: Deathspell Omega's Discography Ranked

7) Drought (2012)


Average points per vote: 5.6/12

Both newest Deathspell Omega and Blut Aus Nord albums are some of the shittiest that both bands have released, especially Drought it's incredibly mediocre.

that track is a grower, and so is the rest of the Drought EP. Most won't agree with this, but this band has been on a steady, intriguing creative run from Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice onward.
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5) Kénôse (2005)


Average points per vote: 7/12

I think Kenose might be the one I listen to most often though. So many great moments. I always get chills in Kenose II at that part where Mikko screams "I am the son of Man"

Kenose is the worst offender of the lot. Though I guess at least it's not as long as SMR,C. Point is, it's yawnable.

No. Kenose is one of the best things recorded in the last few years. It is not at all tedious. They are only asking for you to listen to half an hour of music after all. I think many people expected it to be as accessible as SMRC and then didn't really give it the attention it deserved. Kenose - II is one of the most brilliant songs I've ever heard.
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4) Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice


Average points per vote: 8.3/12

I'm listening to Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice on youtube right now.

Immediately questioning the task I've taken on since I'm hardly what you'd call a black metal fanatic. Really impressed with the drumming so far though, I must say. Totally nailing it. Also the oddly melodic riffing is quite good and unexpected.

It's a good album and extremely ambitious. At an hour and 20 minutes I just find it to be too much.

In do remember really liking Sola Fide I, Carnal Malefactor, Drink the Devil's Blood and some of the prayers.

"Si Monvmentvm..." is a really excellent album, I was one of the doubters at first but 30 odd listens on it's still growing on me.

Gah, "ball-room black metal". Seriously, most of this crap sounds like it was written for country-club members to waltz to while dressed in tuxedos and shit, and the rest sounds like it was written for the "tragic" parts of family dramas on the Lifetime channel (with the sole exception of "Hetoimasia", which IS a cool song). How this album became so highly rated is truly beyond me.

The sad part is that it IS easily the best BM album of the last year and five months, discounting the Old Wainds/Nav' split
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3) The Furnaces of Palingenesia (2019)


Average points per vote: 9.5/12

First place votes: 1 (@CiG)
Grabs ya and doesn't let go.

The Furnaces of Palingenesia by Deathspell Omega. Recently these guys have really started to click with me and this album as well as Fas have been my favourites for when I'm doing some reading. Just edited this album into my 2019 list, it's a real grower.
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2) Fas- Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum (2007)


Average points per vote: 11/12

First place votes: 1 (@Oblivious Maximus)

What I get out of Fas is certainly akin to a mental breakdown, inhabiting of dark mental corners and the loss of sanity stemming from knowledge. In other words, sounds exactly like the cover.

Fas and Paracletus are at face value more difficult than SMRC but I feel there is more actual substance to be found in each, particularly Fas.

I think Fas... is my favorite Deathspell Omega release. Love that dissonant chaos! I think it's also the one I liked the least when I first heard it.

I find Fas neither dissonant nor out of control.
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1) Paracletus (2010)


Average points per vote: 11.6/12

First place votes: 3 (@Einherjar86 @Krow @crimsonfloyd)

Paracletus is awesome. The sludgey riffs really sold it for me.

These days I prefer the relentlessness and cohesion of Paracletus to the vast dread of Fas, but it's splitting hairs. They're both in my top 10 black metal albums.

I thought Paracletus was a slight step-down but it's still cool.

I think if you take Paracletus as either a standalone album or a unique member of a trilogy of contrasting albums, instead of setting an expectation for Fas II, SMRC II, or even a return to the Inquisitors of Satan sound, it's phenomenal. I think it's natural for DsO to contantly be trying new things. So there was more involvement on the part of the bass guitar, some rock-reminiscent rhythms, a lot more somber sounding parts, and the wall of sound parts were more sparse. Every member of the band has a time to shine on this album, and the production makes them sound more cohesive, which would be terrible if it were grindy like Fas, but works well for what they've presented this time around... It gives DsO some dimension as songwriters.
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