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Don't think he's that big on The Chasm and Voivod. But I don't suppose there's any point in me pointing out things like that now that you're set on us being "sisters", since you never reevaluate your own views as evidenced by your persistent belief that Talos is Omni even though that makes no fucking sense.

Thanks for dragging that shit into here. But i've clearly explained numerous times why i think they're the same person, and even provided solid proof a few of those times(omni admitting to having a very specific conversation with me that i had with talos). I dont care if you chose to ignore them, but at least dont be a ltitle bitch and try to drag shit into other threads. And yes, you two are twin sisters ... do i need to point out the numerous posts where you guys have word for word copied each other?
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Oh, by the way, I'm still waiting for that evidence that you allegedly have.
waiting? Are you retarded? I just told you one of them, and i've said it in detail in a previous post where i made you shut your loose mouth ... but "i wouldn't expect a braindead moron like you to remember". How about you go ahead and shut your mouth here too, or at least take it to another thread.
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Oh, so it's numerous posts now? Go ahead, knock yourself out.
Ok, here's one right off the bat ....

Why are you guys talking about the new GoT when the latest Twin Peaks episode just aired?

But why are we talking about GoT when Twin Peaks just aired one of the greatest episodes

@Vegard Pompey I need your verdict on the latest Twin Peaks!

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See, that's the only one I know of and at the time I was consciously echoing Vilden's sentiment. But you said numerous.
manilla road
slough feg
saint vitus
the chasm

just so happens that a lot of in-crowd favourites are also the perfect bands for this thread series, if you want unpredictability/diversity of lists.
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