GMD Vote: Next Band Discographies to Rank

Honestly the fact we all know them well enough to name albums and talk shit about them is evidence we should rank them, i could easily talk shit about a few of their albums too

TBF the same could be said of Metallica

This ain't "rank your favorite and in crowd acceptable bands" it's rank shit a lot of people are familiar with
There are plenty of popular bands that we haven’t done that we could be listing without resorting to garbage like Anthrax.

Having said that, they should probably be done at some point to complete the ‘big 4’ as Ozzman alluded to. I just won’t be participating. Seeing them live recently hasn’t changed my mind about them.
Out of my 5 picks, only one was black metal. And not all Bathory albums are even black metal anyway. I’m actually up for doing more thrash bands (just not Anthrax) as I’ve been on a bit of a thrash binge recently and loving it more than I have done in years.
Yeah, I would have added Kreator and Sodom if we weren’t limited. As is, I went with Destruction over those two.

Terrible Certainty and Endless Pain need more love from everyone!
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You know, 'Thrax wouldn't be terrible. Like Slammed said they're pretty well known, and there isn't really any clear winner straight off the bat. Seeing which of the Bush albums comes out on top might be a fun little mini-tournament.
Let's just start with the first band that appears in Metal Archives and go until we get to the last one.
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Persistence of Time is the best thing that band did.


There are plenty of popular bands that we haven’t done that we could be listing without resorting to garbage like Anthrax.


Out of my 5 picks, only one was black metal. And not all Bathory albums are even black metal anyway. I’m actually up for doing more thrash bands (just not Anthrax) as I’ve been on a bit of a thrash binge recently and loving it more than I have done in years.

A thrash binge of the same 5 bands as the last time you went on a thrash binge. ;)

If we start doing bands like Summoning or whatever other underground black metal you're trying to shill before we get to actual classic bands like Suffocation or Anthrax (whether you like them or not they're a classic band) then there's seriously something wrong with this place.

Summoning would be cool
Why do you hate us so much?

They were 3 different thrash bands actually! And I’ve been revisiting a lot of others just lately. I think I’ve heard way too much black metal over the past few months and I need a detox. In fact I might need a detox of metal in general. It’s like 99% of my listening these days. But I always say this, and it never happens. I find it too comforting.

And after I said Summoning would be cool, I kinda implied they’re a very samey band so might not be the best to do.