god doesnt exist in the form that the old religions propagate

oe said:
Mehdi is right, the Quran actually talks about Christianity and Judaism. The prophet Mohammed in his preaching would actually talk about Jesus and tell them the stories you find in the bible to them. "Allah" in Islam refers to the same "God" Christians and Jews refer to, its not a different one. I dont know if most people know that, but I guess people get confused because they call it "Allah" which would obviously be the arabic transalation of God.
ok, ok, what about the jihad "the holy war against all the wrongbelievers" isn't a part of the quran?? and if not, where is it comes from and why is it so popular among the islamic population?
never read the quran, coz i'm christian born although i don't give a fuck about that and all other religions, i've read the bible twice (including all the apocryphal books that were excluded later from it) and many studies on the subject, can't you deny that both bible and quran has the same source of fiction tales stolen directly from the jewish tora? imho it is all part of a huge lie! what is god? our creator who came from the sky in fire and flames... i'would more believe the theory of Erich Von Daeniken that gods are aliens :)
Ivo said:
ok, ok, what about the jihad "the holy war against all the wrongbelievers" isn't a part of the quran?? and if not, where is it comes from and why is it so popular among the islamic population?
never read the quran, coz i'm christian born although i don't give a fuck about that and all other religions, i've read the bible twice (including all the apocryphal books that were excluded later from it) and many studies on the subject, can't you deny that both bible and quran has the same source of fiction tales stolen directly from the jewish tora? imho it is all part of a huge lie! what is god? our creator who came from the sky in fire and flames... i'would more believe the theory of Erich Von Daeniken that gods are aliens :)
I wouldnt say jihad is popular among the Islamic people, we are talking about over a billion people here, I certanly wouldnt come that conclusion because of islamic extremist. Second of all, although I'm not an expert in terms of jihad, it is used in the wrong way today, what the radicals are doing in Iraq is NOT Islam, and its pseudo-jihad. They are just trying to gain power for themselves, Sadaam never did ANYTHING good for the Iraqi people, no person with the right mind would support such a man, it's only self-interest and definitely nothing to do with Islam.

Islam does not condone violence. I would say that the Intifada against Isreal resembles the meaning of jihad more anything going on in Iraq... In terms of jihad, I believe that the jihad against Isreal is justified and resembles its original theory. That's regardless of whether I agree with the way they fight it or not.
Nothing to believe exists, then you have nothing to obey
and there is no system, no standarts, no rules, no commands, etc.

Also, there is nothing called good & evil, righteous & wrong
and you are free to fuck everything , yeah this is the life
Poor fellows!
LostRose said:
Nothing to believe exists, then you have nothing to obey
and there is no system, no standarts, no rules, no commands, etc.

Also, there is nothing called good & evil, righteous & wrong
and you are free to fuck everything , yeah this is the life
Poor fellows!
ah, poor we... free to fuck everything... whatta burden :)
I have my own decent moral standards anyway, which havent been drilled into me nor have I followed anyone or anything to know whats out of order or not. Me dont need da Emerald Hills of pre-Eternity to be alright with folk like
LostRose said:
Nothing to believe exists, then you have nothing to obey
and there is no system, no standarts, no rules, no commands, etc.

Also, there is nothing called good & evil, righteous & wrong
and you are free to fuck everything , yeah this is the life

Couldn't have said it better. :rock:

LostRose said:
Poor fellows!

This puzzles me though. :goggly: