Going to Concerts Alone

depends on what your purpose is... to get drunk and hang out with pals or to see bands. You can go alone and actually join some group of people there (depends on the country's mentality and their will to be open to new people). But yeah, its totally normal to go alone.
I'm considering seeing my first metal show in a couple weeks, and it will almost certainly be done alone. I don't even like the idea of seeing shows with other people tbh, seems like it would just be a distraction from the music unless both are really into the music and just talk in between bands.

Holy shit, 4000+ posts on this forum and you've never been to a metal gig before??? Where do ya live, Papua New Guinea? ;)
Naw, he's just too busy wishing he was eating some dudes asshole every night so he'd have a good excuse.

The only anal pleasures I've ever admitted fantasizing about are those of being pegged by a hot MILF.

Anyways, it's a mixture of relatively few good metal shows nearby, and hesitancy to go to an area where people that mosh and act like belligerent assholes exist. Wanted to see Slough Feg a few years ago, but I was too young at the time.
The only anal pleasures I've ever admitted fantasizing about are those of being pegged by a hot MILF.

Anyways, it's a mixture of relatively few good metal shows nearby, and hesitancy to go to an area where people that mosh and act like belligerent assholes exist. Wanted to see Slough Feg a few years ago, but I was too young at the time.

In my opinion, you should go enjoy yourself despite the possibility of assholes. They are everywhere anyway.

I go to a lot of thrash shows and it's even rare to see a true asshole in a moshpit. Those guys that are truly pissed off at the world and want to hit everyone. I see one of them in maybe 5 shows. A lot of people in moshpits are just having fun. If anyone falls down they get helped back up immediately. No one hits in the face, body only. It's a good clean way to let out some aggression without any permanent injuries or anything.

That said, moshpits can be avoided entirely if you just want to see the music. Just hang towards the back. Although I've been at venues so small the moshpit took up the entire floor. If I don't feel like moshing those days, I just brace myself up against a support beam or wall, so even if they run into me, they're hurting themselves more. Or you can dodge and they hit the wall haha. There's always a group of people who are just there for the music. It's totally fine to be one of them.

Tbh I see more violent moshing at big 4 type shows than at underground shows. Underground shows are better in so many ways.. people are nice, you can actually get up close, you can meet the band/get autographs, the music is better..

Act to avoid if you don't like moshpits: Havok. Haha, the pit got a little chaotic at that one.

Tl;dr Most shows have 3 layers: people up front headbanging, people in the middle running into each other, people in the back just listening to the music. You can hang back there.
Mine is usually both. I can and will have it both ways! I don't think I've ever been to a show alone.

btw hi Alina :wave:
Mine too, I've already seen everything I wanted more than once, I appreciate good company and good music together. Yet if I was a noob like a half of this board - i wouldn't mind to go alone.

Hi, my dear Brad! :)
A lot of people go for the social aspect to meet up with friends and talk about the music, but you are still going to stare at the band and watch them play regardless if you are alone or with a few friends. Nothing wrong with that. I play guitar so I stand right up directly in front of the guitarist so I can get a lesson. It motivates me when a guitarist is better or doing something I feel and want to write also. I stood right in front of Terrance Hobbs from Suffocation, he's like a death metal guitar legend. I also watched Jerry Cantrell and Slash play. Who in my opinion are some if not the best modern rock guitarists in the world. Jerry Cantrell is something else. Guy can fucking play and write.

When Suffocation played Thrones of Blood I almost shit my pants. It was so cool.
How is this even a question?

I don't think I even asked my parents if it was okay when I was 13. Jeez.