Good music vs Stage performance

Slavematic Sound

7 String Bassist
Sep 14, 2004
Atlanta,Ga USA
When you guys go to a Show, would you Rather Hear Great music or go see a show with ok/shitty music but Great Stage performances?

Like Opeth Is Great music but they Dont Do anything but play on Stage, which is fine with me, but i know people who dont like Opeth because they dont do anything on Stage.

Ya, Ya Both is the Answer here, but does it bother you When a Band Plays Good music with out any Stage performance?
I come to shows mainly for the music. I would go to a carnival or some other kind of show for stage peformance and antics. however, If the music is awesome and they put on a good stage show too it is always welcomed.
Great music definetely, fuck all those stupid hardcore bands that jump around on stage and act all.............hardcore, they have no substance to back it up, or keep me captivated. Seen Opeth 3 times and two of them, (excluding the damnation tour) were the best wo shows ive been to in a long time.
This thread assumes that every band plays live. This thread also assumes that everyone goes to live shows. I thought this thread was a joke.
I think Minion520 put it perfectly. I don't like a performance by a band where they can only jump around and act like idiots on. . or off-stage to cover up that the music isn't enough to keep people interested.
The Metal Major said:
This thread assumes that every band plays live. This thread also assumes that everyone goes to live shows. I thought this thread was a joke.

What's your point?
If you don't see live bands, then you don't have an opinion and don't need to be in this thread. Metal Major's post was the equivalent of saying "This thread assumes that everyone listens to Judas Priest" in a Judas Priest thread, for instance. Foolery.

Showmanship is an oft-underrated aspect of live performances, and I definitely am a big fan of bands who insert theatrics into their stage show. However, nothing makes up for crappy music such as Opeth's.

Some bands (particularly thrash bands) just sound better live, as well. Either their music is more adaptable to a live setting, or they tend to play faster/harder. really just depends on the band for me.

When I see Opeth live they don't need to do anything but play their songs to provide an incredible show. However, when I saw Evergrey, their lack of movement on stage was similar to that of Opeth's, yet their presence was just god aweful. Sure, they sounded great, but what a boring show they put on. I dunno what it was that made a difference, but it was definitely there.
no brainer - im there for the music. although, there needs to be an energy or desire to play the music. this will generally be felt through some form of stage presence.

some bands do interact with the crowd pretty well - which can make it fun, but as far as theatrics go im not a fan. i dont want to see some short faggot fighting a dragon or something.
Opeth are awesome live, despite the fact they dont move. i think that the calibre of the music being played dictates how much performance is needed
(check me out, im a lawyer.)
Personnaly I can go see a show for both reasons. The music can be great by itself and make the show well worth it. It can also be the other option. Some bands have just a great stage presence and energy that it makes it really fun to watch. For exemple, I'm not a big fan of Gwar's music but I'd go to their shows anyway cuz its really entertaining. :)
Well I dont really care about the stage performance as long as the musics good and the vocalist doesnt fuck up. As for bands I've seen Soilwork was a friggin awful band both when it comes to stage behaviour and livesound. Anders Friden from In Flames is also a fag on stage.

Dream Theater and Opeth are good examples of bands who dont run around a lot on stage but still performs a very good live show. But bands like Testament, who can be entertaining as well as giving a top notch performance musically are of course the coolest.
Good music, of course. Everything else is a bonus.

Opeth sucked live when I saw 'em. The sound just wasn't that good. They looked bored up there.

Nevermore had the best show, but I don't really like their music.
Sound...always....I like Opeth concerts because I connect with the music in a live atmosphere regardless of what they are doing on stage as long as they are playing the music accurately. Then I really loved Hypocrisy's show because of the movements that their music allowed them to make and their awesome synchronized headbanging just looks so fucking cool to their music.
Well, the music is the more important thing, but i dont think you only go to hear the music, but to see the band too. Thats why we all rush to the front to ruin our ears.
I think the band should connect with the audience. If not, then why not stay home and listen to them from a cd?