Gore/Horror/Slasher movies are for pansies these days...

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002

Ok, so all I've been hearing about Hostel was how it was so much better than Saw and how gory it was and stuff. Ok, it was pretty gory, but not as much as I was led to believe. The worst part was when he had to cut the nerve stem of the Asian girl's eye off, but that was only because I have a thing with eyes. It had such a great premise, but it failed to really horrify or get anyone really grossed out.

That said, it's not even my biggest gripe. Everyone says, "OH WOW THE ENDING IS SO AWESOME!!!! THE REVENGE HE GETS IS GREAT!!!!"

What revenge? He cuts the guy's two fingers off then cuts his throat. 5 seconds of pain and then it's all over? WTF? THAT'S NOT FUCKING REVENGE!!!!!!

A better ending? Returning home, organizing yourself, then coming back and posing as someone else and just go inside and fucking pwn everyone. But in doing that, neutralize all the guards so it's just you and the sadists. Then lock them in their little cells and torture them in the manner they wanted to torture others. Drag it out long and painful, each one in graphic detail. Then do the same to the police who were setting it all up as well. Ok, it woulda been kinda fake, but at least there would've been a little satisfaction at the end of the film besides that palsy throat slash from just one guy at the end. Big deal.

Tarrantino is a fag. So is Eli. I hope the next one will be a little less weak.

Way to fuck up one of the best premises in the history of film.
All I've been hearing in regards to 'Hostel' is how overrated, sick and un-scary it is. 'Grindhouse', on the other hand, looks like a bloody good laugh ('scuse the pun/lame).
yes. grindhouse.

also, how can you really expect any worthwhile gore or scares from new movies? ugg, with all the censorship and political correctness today? as well as how much directors now simplify and sensitize things now to appeal to younger viewers? not a chance.
yes. grindhouse.

also, how can you really expect any worthwhile gore or scares from new movies? ugg, with all the censorship and political correctness today? as well as how much directors now simplify and sensitize things now to appeal to younger viewers? not a chance.
watch that rambo preview.
I have to say, however, that directors are becoming a little more imaginative with their death scenes. Everyone's seen enough throat slashes and axes to the head. They know that they must do something not necessarily more extreme, but more inventive.

Dead Alive. Best death scene ever. Annoying blonde woman screaming her lungs out and a zombie comes up from behind her and punches through the back of her head and out her mouth. Both funny and imaginative.
dude i know what you mean. hostel, saw, turistas, the hitcher, hills have eyes.....blah, theyre all good fun but not really that gory and hardly scary.

i heard rave reviews of a movie called Ichi the Killer - a Japanese gorefest...

I watched it last week and while it had it's gore moments, it failed to make me cringe becuase it was filmed so horribly - computer generated stuff done completely wrong. It WAS a good movie, though...

Next up is another Jap film called Oldboy thats supposed to be really good, albeit not a "scary movie" - it's supposed to have gore, though.

Haven't seen Grindhouse yet...
i heard rave reviews of a movie called Ichi the Killer - a Japanese gorefest...

I watched it last week and while it had it's gore moments, it failed to make me cringe becuase it was filmed so horribly - computer generated stuff done completely wrong. It WAS a good movie, though...

A friend made a few of us watch that with hangovers (he's really into his Manga, Anime, twisted Japanese cinema). Needless to say, his girlfriend wasn't too impressed. :lol: I don't really like that movie, though. Not sure why exactly, I guess I just don't "get" or see much point to it. The torture scene, with the dude having the skewer prodded up his boaby, followed by the fried fat on his back, was nasty and gratuitous. It felt overlong and just an exercise in obsessive sado-masochism.
Ichi the Killer was just goofy. The only scene I liked was the one where the guy punches Kakihara and his entire fist goes into his mouth.

The last horror movie I really liked was the Dawn Of the Dead remake... It was not really scary, but it was exciting as fuck.
anyone seen that commercial where theres three guys in this creepy room with big block masks over there heads and doctors around them? then the doctors remove the mask of the first 2 and they have square heads ands the third one is normal and the dotors get mad and put him back in it?

I forget the name but it looks like the most retarted movie ever.
anyone seen that commercial where theres three guys in this creepy room with big block masks over there heads and doctors around them? then the doctors remove the mask of the first 2 and they have square heads ands the third one is normal and the dotors get mad and put him back in it?

I forget the name but it looks like the most retarted movie ever.