Gore/Horror/Slasher movies are for pansies these days...

you guys seen Bad Taste? less on the gore, more on the gross, and definitely more on the bad acting.

too bad Hollywood sank its claws into peter jackson and he now directs mindless drivel like King Kong and LOTR. such a fall from grace.
you guys seen Bad Taste? less on the gore, more on the gross, and definitely more on the bad acting.

too bad Hollywood sank its claws into peter jackson and he now directs mindless drivel like King Kong and LOTR. such a fall from grace.

:lol: I agree, 'tis a crying shame. Not seen 'Bad Taste', though.
Took me a while to realise you were talking about 'Braindead'. Hilarious movie. Graphic as hell, but fucking funny, with some great one-liners, and perhaps the goriest 15-20 minutes in that lawnmower climax. :lol:
Oddly enough, though, the only scene I remember feeling genuinely nauseous in was when the fat, Australian (?) landlord (?? - can't honestly remember) is eating dinner, and right before he eats his pudding - custard, I think it was -the protagonist's mother's puss and rotting ear falls into his bowl. He then stirs it, and says something like, "Mmm, rich and creamy, just the way I like it." Funny, but fucking revolting all the same. :lol:

Yeah dude, me too. When the pus just squirts out of her face and the dude fuckin' eats it, ear and all...blech. I nearly vomited, not at the sight of it, but the thought of it. Great movie, though. The baby is hilarious, especially when he plays peek-a-boo by tearing the woman's head in half.
:lol: I agree, 'tis a crying shame. Not seen 'Bad Taste', though.

Bad taste isn't so disgusting, except for the whole everyone-eating-everyone-else's-vomit scene...only to find out that the "vomit" tasted really good when he was forced to try it and he downed the entire bowl.

Bad acting, but funny as hell.
Yeah dude, me too. When the pus just squirts out of her face and the dude fuckin' eats it, ear and all...blech. I nearly vomited, not at the sight of it, but the thought of it. Great movie, though. The baby is hilarious, especially when he plays peek-a-boo by tearing the woman's head in half.

Doesn't the baby end up in a blender or something? Or was that the hand? Can't recall clearly, all I know is I was gagging with laughter at that point.

Bad taste isn't so disgusting, except for the whole everyone-eating-everyone-else's-vomit scene...only to find out that the "vomit" tasted really good when he was forced to try it and he downed the entire bowl.

Bad acting, but funny as hell.

Sounds awesome. I'm notorious for thoroughly enjoying movies that are generally considered to be quite bad by most people, e.g. 'Alligator', which I believe is a classic of its type.

Animal cruelty was rife in 'Cannibal Holocaust', and the movie makers themselves were investigated as it was thought to have been a snuff movie. In the end, the allegations were refuted, but the makers got away with the animal cruelty side, strangely.
Took me a while to realise you were talking about 'Braindead'. Hilarious movie. Graphic as hell, but fucking funny, with some great one-liners, and perhaps the goriest 15-20 minutes in that lawnmower climax. :lol:
Oddly enough, though, the only scene I remember feeling genuinely nauseous in was when the fat, Australian (?) landlord (?? - can't honestly remember) is eating dinner, and right before he eats his pudding - custard, I think it was -the protagonist's mother's puss and rotting ear falls into his bowl. He then stirs it, and says something like, "Mmm, rich and creamy, just the way I like it." Funny, but fucking revolting all the same. :lol:
yeah, that was the only scene that really grossed me out (i think i was cringing at the nurse's broken neck, too), and i was laughing at the rest of it.