Got an upcoming gig?? discuss it here!

Back on the original topic...

Hopeful dates:
September 9th - Nightwish, Sonata Artica
September 21st - Suffocation, Carcass, 1349, Aborted, Rotten Sound
September 23rd - Children of Bodom, The Black Dahlia Murder, Between the Buried and Me
October 16th - Kataklysm, Keep of Kalessin, Eluveitie, Dying Fetus
October 23rd - Kamelot, Edguy

Some might change due to which city we choose to go to... and there could be more if my parents didn't care that some of the bands were really anti god... [ie Blackest of the Black tour].
Going to this Saturday:


A Bunch Of Local bands, lol. Hope to be a good show. I'm going to just sit outside during the TMOWHM though, they're boring as hell.
I saw Virgin Black and Samael last friday. Amorphis was the headliner, but after a song and an half, I left the place... Definitly, I can't stand to this band!
Going to see the Gnar again on Halloween. Shall be an awesome show. Oh, and I'm going to some really gay local band, Vengeance, Everyone in that band needs to be shot. because. period. The gnar is way better than those losers. They're like Rage wanna bs.

Too make a long story short. They made me and a couple of friends sit outside the fucking venue because they changed it to an 18+ show very fucking last minute. I had to sit there for 3 fucking hours. It was the gayest shit ever. No warning it was changed to an 18+ show either.