Greatest album of 2013

^ I actually thought Caladan Brood's album was better than the new Summoning. Yes. Hate me. :Smokedev:

Deafhaven's live show is just awful and just makes you mad. The vocalist looks like he's constipated the entire time or in some sort of strange pain.

Inter Arma's Sky Burial will easily make my list for best of 2013 too. That album is just... even customers/coworkers ask about it when I put it on at work.

I guess so far and from what I can think of:
Cultes des Ghoules- Henbane
Inter Arma -Sky Burial
Antediluvian - Logos
Fell Voices - Regnum Saturni
Peste Noire-Peste Noire
Orchid - The Mouth of Madness
Aosoth - IV: An Arrow in Heart
Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats - Mind control
Bolzer - Aura
Caladan Brood - Echoes of Battle
Dream Death - Somnium Excessum

Haven't listen to a lot of new releases like new Blood Ceremony, Katatonia, Skagos and Satan, which I'm sure would all make my list too.

Edit: Have this habit of calling them "Deafhaven" as oppose to "Deafheaven" Whoops. C'est la meme chose.
I haven't heard a whole lot this year that really stand out, but here are some that I liked. There's a lot I still need to listen to.

Blood Tsunami
Lost Society
Black Sabbath
Favourites so far would be:

Leprous - Coal
Clutch - Earth Rocker
Anciients - Heart of Oak
Rotting Christ - Kata Ton Daimona Eaytoy
Riverside - Shrine of New Generation Slaves
Steven Wilson - The Raven That Refused to Sing

This is an EP not an album but Bolzer's Aura EP blew me away when it came out. That riff melts my brain.

That's a pretty cool track - agree the riff is awesome.
My top three metal albums so far are

Somnium Excessum
Life Sentence
Mouths of Madness

Biggest letdown of the year:
Mind control
Yeah I can't imagine anything beating the new Soilwork album. It's fantastic, definitely my top 10 albums of all time. With time, it'll probably muscle its way into the top 5 too.

Honorable mentions go to Amorphis, Amaranthe, and Jolly.
Some ones I enjoyed thus far..:

Cerekloth - In the Midst of Life We Are in Death
The Meads of Asphodel - Sonderkommando
Tribulation - The Formulas of Death
Church of Misery - Thy Kingdom Scum
The Monolith Deathcult - Tetragrammaton
Procession - To Reap Heavens Apart

New Watain, Ruins of Beverast, Atlantean Kodex, Necromass(maybe) & Craven Idol will also most likely be among my favorite for the year.
Frankly it's been nearly 5 years since I could consider a metal album the album of the year...sad :/
Checked out that Bolzer EP. Fantastic stuff. I would compare it to Terra Tenebrosa in terms of sheer ferocity juxtaposed with thick atmosphere.

I've never heard of Terra Tenebrosa. If they sound anything like Bolzer I'll have to check 'em out!
Shade Empire - Omega Arcane


Kalmah - Seventh Swamphony

and I could add these two to my list

Suidakra - Eternal Defiance

Orden Organ - To The End

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Not overly fast or heavy in the traditional sense, but a pretty damn original listening experience in my opinion. The middle of the album, especially, features several sensual buildups that coalesce into a powerful climax.

Closest genre would be post metal I guess.
So far it'd be Satan's, closely followed by Dream Death's. But I've only heard several so far, and definitely need to hear the new Voivod and Leprous.

That Bolzer song does sound excellent.