what do you think is the greatest Metal album ever

Guardian of Darkness said:
I'm singularly responsible for knocking virtually every thread off topic (including this one). It suits me fine, personally, as most of the threads serve no purpose whatsoever.

You're right, but maybe you should find something better to do.
Firstly, I very rarely spend time on the internet for the sole purpose of posting on message boards. Secondly, I could say 'maybe you should find something better to do' (and I'd be more valid) to every person who makes redundant, pointless threads. Instead, I attempt to make the thread in question more useful.
Guardian of Darkness said:
Firstly, I very rarely spend time on the internet for the sole purpose of posting on message boards. Secondly, I could say 'maybe you should find something better to do' (and I'd be more valid) to every person who makes redundant, pointless threads. Instead, I attempt to make the thread in question more useful.

But a good portion of the little time you DO spend on message boards, is spent knocking threads off-topic (by your own admission)...and if you think a thread is redundant or pointless, that doesn't mean everyone else does. You obviously think the tangents you introduce make the threads more useful, but again, that doesn't mean anyone else thinks so...
I apologize for bumping, but there are actually a wealth of excellent discussions going on in this thread.

I think it's very easy to discriminate against Jews and blacks if you're not Jewish or black. That way, you never feel the spiritual cleansing of Judaism or the benefits of programs such as affirmative action. The policy of weakening the strong instead of strengthening the weak in a time of dire need is not in the elast bit irrational. Legislated equality seems as if it the last resort to balance out a rapidly polarizing society. Someday, we'll be in a world of true racial harmony, but this just isn't the time.

I did mean that people are born with equal opportunity( that sounds retarded, but you know what I mean--right to live and all that stuff, etc.). It's okay if you disagree with that notion. I tend to be idealistic when it comes to human issues. I don't associate equality with interchangeability. If that was the definition of "equality" no one would be equal. Not even twins.

By equality, I mean rights. And superiority is an illusion. Strengths and weaknesses are a part of every person, and balance out eventually in some cosmic manner.

I'll only respect Demiurge's avatar if that is the true representation of his beliefs and ideals. I then applaud him for braving the criticism associated with such a symbol to hang his balls out there. If the avatar is a ploy to simply garner criticism and controversy as a means to suffice a gargantuan attention complex, I simply postulate that the balls I previously mentioned are, in reality, nonexistent. Attention whores suck. Although I abhor Nazism, I respect going against the grain if it's for a cause.

As for the best metal album, that revitalizes the argument about objectivity in music. Some aspects can be analyzed objectively. A Cmaj-chord is a Cmaj-chord. That will not change. However, whether the use of that chord made music better or worse is an observation rooted in opinion, not fact. Therefore, the best metal album cannot be determined. It is a matter of opinion. Regardless of how well an album fits a given "template" dictated by a metal 'elite,' it could still be utter shite.

In summation, I don't believe there is a single best metal album. There are loads of really good ones, and then there are my personal favorites.
anonymousnick2001 said:
I apologize for bumping, but there are actually a wealth of excellent discussions going on in this thread.

I think it's very easy to discriminate against Jews and blacks if you're not Jewish or black. That way, you never feel the spiritual cleansing of Judaism or the benefits of programs such as affirmative action. The policy of weakening the strong instead of strengthening the weak in a time of dire need is not in the elast bit irrational. Legislated equality seems as if it the last resort to balance out a rapidly polarizing society. Someday, we'll be in a world of true racial harmony, but this just isn't the time.

First, you attack my circumstances, albeit indirectly. If I'm not black or jewish, my commentary on the issues of jewish values and affirmative action, is somehow rendered less true. **sigh, you know what this is.... If you guessed irrelevant assbabble, you win a prize to be determined at a later date.

I see the harmful impact of the two, which is all that matters.

Even a person such as yourself can see that balancing things out in this manner leads to widespread mediocrity and weakens the overall level of functioning. Society is polarizing, by the way, because people are inherently unequal.

The last sentence has no basis in reality.

I did mean that people are born with equal opportunity( that sounds retarded, but you know what I mean--right to live and all that stuff, etc.). It's okay if you disagree with that notion. I tend to be idealistic when it comes to human issues. I don't associate equality with interchangeability. If that was the definition of "equality" no one would be equal. Not even twins.

Precisely, equality does not exist. People must be treated in a manner that fits their capabilities.

By equality, I mean rights. And superiority is an illusion. Strengths and weaknesses are a part of every person, and balance out eventually in some cosmic manner.

As was probably inevitable, you resorted to a religious argument. That people are equal in "some cosmic sense." There is no evidence for this whatsoever in reality. All of the ways that humans use to try to reach objective reality point to inequality. Your "argument" is a metaphysical, meaningless crock of shit.

I'll only respect Demiurge's avatar if that is the true representation of his beliefs and ideals. I then applaud him for braving the criticism associated with such a symbol to hang his balls out there. If the avatar is a ploy to simply garner criticism and controversy as a means to suffice a gargantuan attention complex, I simply postulate that the balls I previously mentioned are, in reality, nonexistent. Attention whores suck. Although I abhor Nazism, I respect going against the grain if it's for a cause.

As for the best metal album, that revitalizes the argument about objectivity in music. Some aspects can be analyzed objectively. A Cmaj-chord is a Cmaj-chord. That will not change. However, whether the use of that chord made music better or worse is an observation rooted in opinion, not fact. Therefore, the best metal album cannot be determined. It is a matter of opinion. Regardless of how well an album fits a given "template" dictated by a metal 'elite,' it could still be utter shite.

In summation, I don't believe there is a single best metal album. There are loads of really good ones, and then there are my personal favorites.
Demiurge said:
Like I said, you've got no ground to stand on with this. Maybe he picks up a few clients, but who cares? What does that have to do with his argument being fallacious? Please, learn how to make a reasonable argument, It works better. Do not post back unless you have something new to say. That means, do not respond saying that "it's wrong because he only does it to make money!" because it is irrelevant.
You remind me of a maggot that crawls in a plane and the concept of another dimension is beyond its grasp. The fact that he does it for money is of uttermost importance because it affects how the article will look like; biased, out of context, using obscure statistics. In other words, the article is written in a way that effectively addresses and appeals to simpletons like you. It takes one look at the unsuccesul dipshits at the bottom of the pyramid to understand they do not get good jobs and education because of their mental capacity (lack of). Racism is a welcome excuse for them and something they can build their "identity" around. A classic example of the cause and effect swapping. They are not unsuccessful because of racism and discrimination, they become racist because they are stupid, uncapable cunts.

People at the top of the pyramid need twats like you and other assholes on this board to spread racism and Nazi ideas across the Internet. And it does wonders for them. As long as the topic is alive, there will always be potential markets where they can (and do) sell Nazi artefacts to stupid morons for insanely high prices. You are bright enough to search Ebay or webstores and find out how much a simple Hakenkreutz-shaped badge or a flag cost. Alternatively, you could go to www.resistance.com and read their forums. The complete retards that post there are all potential customers; the Internet is swarmed with pages and people like that and that means huge profits for people at the top. And this is just one of several examples of how they earn $$.

"Congrats" on being a part of the machinery and doing someone a huge favour (and probably not making any profit out of it). Maybe you should consider joining the ranks of Jehova's witnesses too, they could use some weaklings like you. "Congrats" on being a naive fool that believes stupid and twisted ideologies in this world are not driven by greed and materialistic interests of a narrow group of individuals. Maybe someone will open your eyes one day, but somehow I doubt that.
There are three possible answers to the question presented in the title of this thread.

The first is an album by the name of "In Their Darkened Shrines" by a band they call Nile.

The second is a disc labelled "Orchid" by the well known Opeth.

The third is the masterpiece known as "V: The New Mythology Sute" by the ones known as Symphony X.

If i had to put them in order at the moment...
1. V
2. Shrines
3. Orchid

V is at the top 95% of the time, if not more.
The above post is funny (by Naggamanth or what ever his name was). Good job! Keep it up. Or wait a little. I am getting a bad feeling here. It might actually be a serious post and not a joke.

I am pretty sure of that the guy you are talking with is more intelligent than you. Please explain in what way an article promoting "antiracism" is more logical? Biased IQ tests, discrimination surely is more proven... I'd like to see some actual proof of that we are equal.

These people surely are more intelligent than the author of the article Demiurge posted...I wonder if I should cry or laugh.


...the Internet is swarmed with pages and people like that and that means huge profits for people at the top. And this is just one of several examples of how they earn $$.

Profit through racism promotion? What are you thinking with? It's possibly the most tabooo buisness in the world. You would have a higher chance of making a profit if you sell ice to eskimos,or sand to a beduin.

"Congrats" on being a naive fool that believes stupid and twisted ideologies in this world are not driven by greed and materialistic interests of a narrow group of individuals."

Ehh. The stupidity of this statement is mind boggling, and it is of two reasons. The first one is because acording to modern nazis the world in fact IS driven by stupid and twisted ideologies, based on greed and materialism, all originating within a narrow group of individuals. I.E. Jews. The second reason is that the same statement applies to you, and certainly it is more fitting in that case...

(I have no clear stance in this issue. There are a thnings I have to make up my mind about before I do, but ignorance and stupidity still piss me off.)
CountSorion said:
Profit through racism promotion? What are you thinking with? It's possibly the most tabooo buisness in the world.
Are you fucking retarded? Can't you read? Do you lack even the basic knowledge of Economics (supply & demand)? Where is the problem? I explained how the business works. Grab a calculator and use your brain. And don't waste my time. Idiot. I know someone in person who makes good cash like this and he's just a small fish.

And as for your argument about the business being taboo. Drugs are taboo too, knobhead.

CountSorion said:
Ehh. The stupidity of this statement is mind boggling, and it is of two reasons. The first one is because acording to modern nazis the world in fact IS driven by stupid and twisted ideologies, based on greed and materialism, all originating within a narrow group of individuals. I.E. Jews. The second reason is that the same statement applies to you, and certainly it is more fitting in that case...

(I have no clear stance in this issue. There are a thnings I have to make up my mind about before I do, but ignorance and stupidity still piss me off.)
You piss me off with your stupidity. What is your point? I was talking about Nazism and rasism, you don't need to tell me the world is rather fucked up rigt now.
Naggamanteh said:
Are you fucking retarded? Can't you read? Do you lack even the basic knowledge of Economics (supply & demand)? Where is the problem? I explained how the business works. Grab a calculator and use your brain. And don't waste my time. Idiot. I know someone in person who makes good cash like this and he's just a small fish.
I don't have a veiw on this issue but really, what the FUCK are you talking about? This must be the most pathetic line of argument I've ever seen.
I hope noone minds if I jump back on topic here. As far as what I personally think is the greatest... this would be impossible to narrow down to just one. I classify an "all time greatest" as something I could listen to a million times and still love it the millionth time as much as I did the first, as well as being something that had a profound effect on me and/or my music creation efforts. And those would be (in no particular order)....

  • Bal Sagoth "Battle Magic" and "The Power Cosmic"
  • Arcturus "Aspera Heims Symphonia"
  • Dimmu Borgir "Enthrone Darkness Triumphant"
  • Meshuggah "Destroy Erase Improve"
  • Therion "Theli"
  • Opeth "Blackwater Park"
  • Vintersorg Any release except "The Focusing Blur"
  • King Diamond "Them" and "Conspiracy"
  • Dark Tranquillity "The Gallery"
Personally, I thinks threads like this are very entertaining. Despite the controversy, they do often spark some great discussion... if you're willing to sift through to find it. Makes for great reading.

Demiurge said:
If I'm not black or jewish, my commentary on the issues of jewish values and affirmative action, is somehow rendered less true. Even a person such as yourself can see that balancing things out in this manner leads to widespread mediocrity and weakens the overall level of functioning. Society is polarizing, by the way, because people are inherently unequal.
The first sentence was a conclusion you drew. I don't recall ever saying that. I'm saying that you'll never know the positives of either unless you are directly affected by them. You can't understand Jewish values without being a Jew. You'll never be benefited by affirmative action because(I assume) you are not of a minority. AA is nothing but reverse discrimination. Whether we agree with it or not, its purpose is simply to 'make up' for injustices of the past. When society is equalized in the alleyway of opportunity, if not true racial harmony, AA will no longer be required. Those truly qualified will get the jobs because society won't be holding them down. The polarization is occurring due to a societal structure of whites > blacks which predates AA. It is occurring because blacks are refusing to assimilate into 'white culture,' and as a result, are being relegated to a position where gendrification and the archaic structure combine to hold them down. As a result, large groups of blacks are being put together in nearly separate societies(I assume poor inner city areas and other stereotypical "black neighborhoods"). It is not the inequality of people themselves, but the unequal way that society has been molded. Until this mold is broken, programs such as AA or other reverse discriminatory procedures must be implemented to "pseudo-equalize." It's not the people, it's the system. One that will change. When it does, the polarization can be truly reversed 100%.

Demiurge said:
Precisely, equality does not exist. People must be treated in a manner that fits their capabilities.
By your definition of equality, the first definition is true. By my definition, it is currently true...but hopefully can become false. The second statment seems to be true at face value, but I take it to mean "better people should be treated better." There is no such thing as "better people." That is what I mean by "equal." There is no better and no worse. There is no 'elite' class of humans, as there is no 'scourge' class. "Better" or "best" may be very blunt terms, but they are the only ones I can think of to represent what I mean. "Superior" and "inferior" also apply. Those concepts do not exist when applied to people.

As for Naggamanteh, his argument of racism for profit or whatever may be true, but is highly unlikely, or in the minority. Racism is wrong in any case, but it is usually existent due to a lack of knowledge or tolerance, and not a need for "$$." :err:

Necro Joe said:
I don't have a veiw on this issue but really, what the FUCK are you talking about? This must be the most pathetic line of argument I've ever seen.
That sums it up. Attack the author of the article for being a racist cumrag, not because you believe he's saying it for money.
In a sense, I understand all the better because of my detachment. I have no dog in the fight. I'm just sitting there watching the impact that these things have on the functioning of society(and before anyone tells me that I'm just bitter, affirmative action has never cost me a job; I've been working with my relatives since I had a job). I see a society of mediocre shit-people. It's clear that if you consistently shortchange the strong to bring them down to the level of the weak, the society won't work as well.

Your argument assumes that the problem is entirely based upon past discrimination. Evidence indicates that on the contrary, genetics are far more important than leftists would have you believe.

Some people are simply far more capable than others and are therefore "superior." What you're saying contradicts all we can know of reality. It's quite clear that some people are far more valuable than others. This matches the definition of "superiority."
Demiurge said:
It's quite clear that some people are far more valuable than others. This matches the definition of "superiority."
When I think "superiority," I think "overall improved to the point where all else is obsolete." No person is more valuable than another. A doctor who finds a cure and saves a thousand lives, and a hapless hobo bum. It would be easy to call the doctor superior. But we don't know that.
anonymousnick2001 said:
When I think "superiority," I think "overall improved to the point where all else is obsolete." No person is more valuable than another. A doctor who finds a cure and saves a thousand lives, and a hapless hobo bum. It would be easy to call the doctor superior. But we don't know that.

if you look up the word "valuable", you'll find that you just gave an example of one person who's more valuable than another.