Greatest Death Metal Release (no bullshit 'top ten' lists!)

What's funny is that Scourge of God says:

But he seems to be absolutely the only one confused about the point of this thread.

I'm the only one NOT confused, apparently, since the rest of you seem to be stumbling over phrases like 'greatest' and 'death metal.'
Quit being a negative cunt, the smarter and more superior you try to act with each and every post just makes you look like more of a piece of shit than you already were.

Someone needs to be banned.
I'm just trying to help move the thread in a productive direction.

If you want to bitch about stuff you don't think deserves to be called death metal, make a "Stuff That Isn't Really Death Metal" thread or something. This thread has a purpose which no one but you seems to have trouble grasping. You're just making an ass of yourself.
I find it hard to buy that he's trying to move the thread in a more productive direction when his first post basically says "most of the albums mentioned aren't legit choices" and every other one of his posts essentially amounts to "you guys are idiots and your opinions are worthless."
not according to metal archives

Death/Thrash Metal

but alot of people label them as melodeath... i don't see it

yeah, but who gives a fuck about
in some ways, yes it's a great resource, but who in the fuck ever made them such experts of metal that they have the final say so as to what is metal and what is not?
for example, what is their defining criteria as far as the question on metalcore bands, what makes a band more metal than core?
if you've never seen that look up the news archives on the site.
hatebreed to them, must be more core
mnemic is more industrial than metal
and those are just two of the more well-known omissions by their almighty webmasters.

the inverted cross on my forehead is new

that made me chuckle :lol: