Guitar Player's Thread

That's what I assumed too :lol:
Thanks for the compliment anyways.


Specifically, what did you mean by more vibrato?

Ummmm, your playing doesn't really associate vibrato. I can't hear or see you doing it. Your notes ring flat and not smooth and flowing because of that. Just takes alot of practice :) I am always particularly picky about vibrato, I get annoyed when people don't use it in places I see it should be compulsory :lol: You have to really shake that string...ofcourse you have to proper finger-strength for this too...
Your fingers seem really stiff or your picking hand or something.

It's very click-ity.

You obviously aren't a bad player for your age, it seems like you just need to practice a few drills at a comfortable tempo to you to get your playing a little more clean.

Either way, Nice job =)

Yeah, it's my picking hand, I'm trying to work up my alternate picking speed.
Not so much progress yet, but I'm getting there :)
I used to play with an open picking hand, now I play with a closed hand, I find it's more effective.
And thanks man, I appreciate the compliments.
Yeah, it's my picking hand, I'm trying to work up my alternate picking speed.
Not so much progress yet, but I'm getting there :)
I used to play with an open picking hand, now I play with a closed hand, I find it's more effective.
And thanks man, I appreciate the compliments.

You should get Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar I and II, I just found it and it's really good, I wish I had it when I started, it explains every little detail and issues you may have while playing guitar so you can start with a good technique from the start :)
It could be your pick too

What kind are you using?

Some times things like fender picks will sound all floppy and overly percussive.

I use Dunlop of course, I may have cheap gear but I damn well use good picks! :lol:

You should get Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar I and II, I just found it and it's really good, I wish I had it when I started, it explains every little detail and issues you may have while playing guitar so you can start with a good technique from the start :)

Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely be checking that out.
Hi guise

I have this Fender 2x10 OpenBack Deluxe cab lying around, I've tried looking for info about it, but I can't find squat.

Anyone know Fender amps? Thanks

Nice, Lowburger!
Necrö;8534214 said:
Hey guys. I recorded a new song for my band There Is Hope, entitled "The Mundane Armageddon". No vocals yet (as I don't really have the equipment) and no solos aswell (as I haven't written them yet). But I think it'll give a good impression of the song :)

Oh, and I honestly prefer the low quality stream. I think it does the song better justice, as it disguises the horrible recording quality a bit :lol:

Anyway, I'd be glad if you could tell me what you think of it. (Beware though, it's over 7 minutes)

"The Mundane Armageddon"

Sounds pretty good in general, even for a 7 minutes song. I guess vocals and leads will make it even better, so the final result should be ace. Congrats!

Thank you, Sir. :)

Anyone else interested in giving the thing a listen?
Necrö;8538458 said:
Thank you, Sir. :)

Anyone else interested in giving the thing a listen?

Dunno, but I'd prefer if it was 50bpm faster. At least for the part 0:00-1:28.
In my opinion it sounds a bit too much like the new melodeath bands alà Insomnium, Anterior, Raintime...
All the synths sound to familiar because you hear them in every of the above mentioned bands.
seriously the name is gay :lol:
may I ask what happens if you turn 21 ? you will be kicked out ?
the songs are alright, I prefer other kinds of instrumentals to these but they have nice (classic rock) moments which I really like. i don't really like the guitar tone.