Guitar Player's Thread

Now, may I ask why you prefer the ebony fingerboard, alder body, and painted neck? I'm not even sure what a shaved neck is...

Because I love the RR1 and the way it plays and the woods from the RR1 are alder and ebony and painted neck I just like the way that looks and feels.... shaved neck.... basically mmmm trying to think of a good way to explain that. basically the thinner the neck the easier it is to play faster at least for me. I just wanted so many things that a normal RR1 just couldent deliver so I said fuck it CUUUUUSTOM :P
If I get a custom guitar of any kind, I'm definitely going with this company

Jackson is sucking with the quality of their instruments now days, or atleast compared to how good they once were.

Anyways, so I restrung my RR24 today, and have been practicing all day since I haven't been able to in almost 3 weeks. I didn't realize that The World Needs A Hero album by Megadeth was so simplistic as far as playing went. I just nailed every solo on the album just about. Don't get me wrong I love the album, but it's definitely their most calm lol. It really is a testimony to how badass of an album Endgame is to see that kind of playing out of Dave after almost 30 years of him making music.
Hey guys here's an update to my Jackson RR24 thing. I just changed my whole mind about it. I went at the store with my friend, tried a few guitars, and I ended up with this one:

The Ibanez RG420EG. It's got two active pickups, FR-style bridge, and the best thing ever ; flat neck <3. Basically when I tried it I fell in love with it, and its prices stunned me; $500. I was like, wow, this compensate for its level of ugliness. It plays soooooo good. I read the reviews on the internet and shit, everyone thinks its an epic guitar, except for the look, which doesnt really matter, right? Good deal?

hi im new to this :D

ive been playing guitar for two and a half years now, i can play a few children of bodom songs also :)

uhh, my first guitar (only guitar too) is a fender strat california series.

my parents are gonna buy me any guitar i want for my birthday which is a mnth away and i need help with deciding which guitar to get... the esp-alexi-scythe or tge esp-alexi-blacky? i personally prefer the scythe, please gimme some feedback :)

just quickly, how do i get a picture/quote under my name? lol
lmao, fanboy? dude, what makes you call me that? big woop i like flying v's, alexi laiho is my role model and cob is my favourite band...

i cant believe i was expecting a straight answer. instead of typing something pointless, please just answer my questions then call me names, lol

still, thanks for giving your opinion :)