Guitar Player's Thread

idk, i've heard the edwards is alot better. I've played both for short pds of time and the edwards was smoother but the esp/ltd (i cant remeber which is was) had a little more bass in the tone which i liked, but yeah...idk just a suggestion.

Dude no way.
You know why Alexi replicas edwards guitars are so cheap?
They use really cheap wood.
When you play an ESP you can totally tell.
Yeah I'd definitely rather pay for something that is going to last than something that will sound good for a short while... My Jackson is failing me :(
The blacky is imo better looking, but if you'd buy the schythe you would be more "uniqe" if that can be said when buyin an Alexi guitar :lol:
Alexi doesn't use his white guitar anymore at the moment, don't know if that bothers you. It shouldn't.

Anyway, here are some good pics of both:

scroll down to the bottom of the page. Ask yourself if you like white or black, and if you like sawtooth or schythe inlays.

Thanks for answering :) But man, this is such a hard decision to make!!

I sorta liked the scythe more at the beginning, but now im seriously starting to like the blacky D:

I like the blacky coz the head stock and the actual guitar have the same colour, but I also like the scythe because is has scythes as the frets!!

Ill probably end up getting the blacky, but whats the different with the ESP and the ESP LTD? Does the ESP have an active switch and the ESP LTD have passive only?? Thats what my friend told me but I wanna make sure..
well the ESP has the mm-04, but basically the ESP will have superior quality, unpainted neck, original floyd rose. etc. i got the 06/07 alexi model which is way better (i'm guessing) than the new blacky's and scythes because the ltd's back then came with the original floyd rose, and now esp uses shitty black nickel hardware
well the ESP has the mm-04, but basically the ESP will have superior quality, unpainted neck, original floyd rose. etc. i got the 06/07 alexi model which is way better (i'm guessing) than the new blacky's and scythes because the ltd's back then came with the original floyd rose, and now esp uses shitty black nickel hardware

Whats so bad about the Black Nickel Hardware?? And so... do the ESP have active pick-ups while the LTD have passive pick-ups??
Whats so bad about the Black Nickel Hardware?? And so... do the ESP have active pick-ups while the LTD have passive pick-ups??

both of them have a passive pickup, the mm-04 is an ACTIVE boost
well the black nickel....idk im pretty sure its not the best quality as their old stuff and it's not like straight black it looks a little more metallic which i dont like

Is this you?

No its not me you fucking cunt. Fucking leave me alone, stop saying shit about me you fucking faggot, I bet you wouldnt say this shit in front of me so dont say it over the internet..

You think your funny making fun of someone over the internet and trying to be cool, but your just being a total fucking ass hole. Get a life and maybe TRY and bag someone in front of them and just see what'll happen yea??
both of them have a passive pickup, the mm-04 is an ACTIVE boost
well the black nickel....idk im pretty sure its not the best quality as their old stuff and it's not like straight black it looks a little more metallic which i dont like

So the ESP let you turn active on but the LTD's just have passive...

And I just realised that Alexi has a Black guitar with white pinstripes.. Does he now use the Blacky with the Black pinstripes??
No its not me you fucking cunt. Fucking leave me alone, stop saying shit about me you fucking faggot, I bet you wouldnt say this shit in front of me so dont say it over the internet..

You think your funny making fun of someone over the internet and trying to be cool, but your just being a total fucking ass hole. Get a life and maybe TRY and bag someone in front of them and just see what'll happen yea??


I bet it's you. You wouldn't react this way if it wouldn't be you. :lol:
The reason why I asked about this, is cus your username is WildChildNumber2. So I figured, you must also try to look like alexi and failing in it.

I bet it's you. You wouldn't react this way if it wouldn't be you. :lol:
The reason why I asked about this, is cus your username is WildChildNumber2. So I figured, you must also try to look like alexi and failing in it.

AHAHAHAHA dude, my hair isnt blonde, it isnt up to my chest and I dont wear denim jackets. And big fucking woop if my name is WildChildNumber2, your names Brutal Hate... It isnt much better then mine... And what is the story behind your name?? Is it coz your so HARDCORE over the internet you thought youd give yourself a scary name to try and freek people out??

And im reacting like this because I fucking hate you, I seriously bet you wouldnt say this in front of me or any other person, you only have the balls to say it while your behind a computer screen..
AHAHAHAHA dude, my hair isnt blonde, it isnt up to my chest and I dont wear denim jackets. And big fucking woop if my name is WildChildNumber2, your names Brutal Hate... It isnt much better then mine... And what is the story behind your name?? Is it coz your so HARDCORE over the internet you thought youd give yourself a scary name to try and freek people out??

And im reacting like this because I fucking hate you, I seriously bet you wouldnt say this in front of me or any other person, you only have the balls to say it while your behind a computer screen..

So it's you :lol:

And yes, I could say this in front of you, easily. There is shitloads of bodom obsessed fanbois in Finland. It's always nice to laugh at them. :lol:

I was born with this username. It comes from two underground bands.
So it's you :lol:

And yes, I could say this in front of you, easily. There is shitloads of bodom obsessed fanbois in Finland. It's always nice to laugh at them. :lol:

I was born with this username. It comes from two underground bands.

LOL I didnt say it was me you fucking dumb shit :D

And I seriously bet you couldnt say it in front of me... just stop now please. I dont wanna argue with you man..
LOL I didnt say it was me you fucking dumb shit :D

And I seriously bet you couldnt say it in front of me... just stop now please. I dont wanna argue with you man..

Well if it isn't you, you should take that guy as your new hero. Try to look just like him and buy some alexi-guitar :lol:

I could easily say this in real life.



"Uhh i have an obsession with playing guitar and listening to Children of Bodom ;D and yea... thats about it :)"
You guys are pathetic, use PM if you wanna slag each other. He's a big fan of Alexi, who gives a shit. You're on a COB forum, you're not that grim.
Well if it isn't you, you should take that guy as your new hero. Try to look just like him and buy some alexi-guitar :lol:

I could easily say this in real life.



"Uhh i have an obsession with playing guitar and listening to Children of Bodom ;D and yea... thats about it :)"