Guitar Player's Thread

The blacky is imo better looking, but if you'd buy the schythe you would be more "uniqe" if that can be said when buyin an Alexi guitar :lol:
Alexi doesn't use his white guitar anymore at the moment, don't know if that bothers you. It shouldn't.

Anyway, here are some good pics of both:

scroll down to the bottom of the page. Ask yourself if you like white or black, and if you like sawtooth or schythe inlays.
Just heard this for the first time.

John5 is pretty good, and this song features James Root also... from slipknot -.-

But hey his playing sounds good on it too =]

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idk, i've heard the edwards is alot better. I've played both for short pds of time and the edwards was smoother but the esp/ltd (i cant remeber which is was) had a little more bass in the tone which i liked, but yeah...idk just a suggestion.
But he's thinking of buying a CS so why shouldn't he buy the Pink CS instead of the Edwards?

Because it's a huge ass pile of cash to put on a fucking artist signature. You could get your own custom with that price. Also, why get something that you will pay +2k€ more for when you can get something for 1k € and actually be happy with it?