trying Reaper... looks very strange, i can find a way to mute a selection, or to make a bus :s
I love reaper D:
i need some plugins, a good compressor, a EQ and a FX.... freeware or easy to crack
Can't open it..was screwing around, started writing a song
what I have so far:
^^ actually-though-i-feel-the-need-to-correct-you-while-im-correcting-you
its a VI-i-III-v-VI-i arp progression in the key of D minor
sorry i have nothing more productive to do
Unless you're looking at the notes literally as they would be tuned down a whole step in D standard tuning.
yes. do you honestly think its more likely that i just used your method and failed, lol
notes are notes honestly and im just used-to-being-aware-of-what-tuning-im-in. working-with-chris-as-a-keyboardist-especially. and-taking-counterpoint-class-at-college, seeing-the-notes-as-guitar-n0tes-would-be-somewhat-limiting. to-me-it-honestly-seems-like-more-work-to-think-of-the-notes-as-a-step-up-from-what-they-really-are. and-these-fabled-people-youve-mentioned-who-have-somehow-''developed''-perfect-pitch,,,-i-doubt-relying-on-geetar-notes-was-part-of-their-process![]()
I always forget your space bar is broken and whenever i see your posts it makes me laugh![]()
to me, it actually seems like more work to be switching the notes on the fretboard to whatever tuning you're in. as a guitarist, I think it makes more sense to just look at the fretboard as if it's in E standard the whole time (unless you're in some other form of tuning rather than a standard, like open C or something, cuz then obviously the relation of the notes on different strings would no longer be the same). So when working with Chris, you can just tell him the actual key you're in, being only one step above. But I guess we've just learned this different ways. and yeah, obviously people who've developed perfect pitch have not used such a method. those people that I know of were not even guitarists. btw, does Chris also use your method when he plays guitar? Like in a different tuning. and if so, them I'm guessing I'm going to have to switch over to your method, huh![]()
Well, it may make more sense at first when simply learning scales/arpeggios/etc. on a guitar, but that's only if you consider yourself a ''guitarist,'' and nothing more. A guitarist who works alone and does not use notation/scores. The way I see it, with the goals I/we-have, you'd-only-be-benefiting-yourself-to-look-at-the-actual-note-value. When-you-look-at-it-from-a-composition-point-of-view-it's-helpful-to-actually-know-the-real-''key''-youre-in,be-able-to-work-with-other-musicians-and,-well,-be-able-to-notate-officially. And-when-I'm-referring-to-notation/composition,-I'm-not-referring-to-gheyz0r-pro-5-olol.
As far as our collaborations, it's-not-a-big-deal-to-me-either-way-but-its-just-kind-of-funny-when-I-said-''in-the-key-of-D-minor''-and-you-jumped-on-me-like-'''wtffffffff no it's notttttt'' as if Eminor was the only truth that made sense in your mind.