Guitar Player's Thread

Well Mr. Laiho-4eva, my epic Majoras Mask skills have allowed me to pour out this secret knowledge to you.

1. Get the Goron's Mask by following the gray ghost of Darmani to his grave and play the Song of Healing.
2. Acquire the ability to use a Power Keg by doing the challenge in the mountains area.
3. Play The Song Of Time.
4. Get 50 Rupees.
5. Buy the power keg and go to the swamp area.
6. Get on the road and equip the Power Keg and blow the boulder up.
7. Return to your normal link form.
8. Talk to Cremia. Meet her at 2 AM. Play the song of double time to speed up time.
9. Fight off the ghosts. If you fail, Cremia's mind will be indoctrinated.
10. On the 2nd day, talk to Romani at 6 P.M. Offer to ride with her in the wagon.
11. Fight off Gorman's brothers to protect the milk.
12. Congratulations. You just received Romani's Mask. Now you can get access to the milk more easily.

i actually took this from wikihow


Either way, itll be usefull, thanks!
none of those do it for me....

THIS is what i want

Why would you want shit settings on your amp that do not work?

Oh really? Like Alexi?

So you can play more Bodom?

You say you can play numerous Children Of Bodom songs and all are lead. You accomplished this without properly knowing sweep picking? That's actually quite an achievment.

I hate to be a dick...BUT who the fuck does this guy think he is? Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Please just stop, you are making yourself sound like a dick in a REALLY obvious attempt to copy the style of your favorite guitarist. NEWS FLASH! Read BH's post.

Yes, I am a dick and people will think that of me after this post. This is getting pathetic though.

[NOT telling you guys I didn't act this way a long time ago though, glad I got over it]

This is one of the times I think Brutal Hate spoke the absolute truth and wisdom.

Also, sad but true. Everyone has their taste I guess but I agree with this.

God, I love to be a dick...or cock.


Your the biggest loser in the world.

I like the way Alexi's amp sounds.

Not all COB songs contain sweep picking, for example, bed of razors.

(So for im making you look like the biggest homo in the world...)

Uhh and how exactly am I copying my "supposedly" favourite guitarist in the world? I dont have long hair, dont wear miskara, dont have black fingernails, dont have the same guitar, the list goes on dude seriously..

You called youself a cock also, shows how freekin smart you are you stupid piece of shit. Dont say things about others for no reason you stupid low life.

Im finished, its your turn, retard :)
edit@dammit ENSI :mad:

eh, the fact you have "The second WildChild..." in your sig doesn't really help

edit@muffin: do you have the crack for reaper?
^^^ uhhh bed of razors does contain some sweep picking.
The part right before the solo with the keyboard.
If i'm not mistaken its an A major arpeggio followed by a F major.
i've tried for short time, and saw my theater creating an awesome midi song in minutes... its much easy to create and manipulate songs in Logic. But just for recording i dunno if its worth the money