Take Physics for example... We all ''know'' the laws of physics just from growing up in this world as children who have fallen numerous times to the ground and scraped our knees or crushed small ants or whatever you enjoyed doing as a kid. You jump, you come back down--force of attraction. You crash a car... your car's metal gets bent/destroyed/fucked--conversion of energy. Roll a ball down a street, it'll keep going until some opposing force acts upon it--law of inertia. We all know that. However learning about Physics in specific, understanding the formulas, helps you to understand how they all work together, giving you better control over experiments or day-to-day tasks you perform.
What...? Bam's an actual word, it doesnt have to be the actual song bodom after midnight. Your a stooge lmao.
trying Reaper... looks very strange, i can find a way to mute a selection, or to make a bus :s
I do graduate studies in Physics and I can positively say that it doesn't give you a better day-to-day control over tasks, whatever they are. :/
ie. except computing Hamiltonian or extracting datas from a synchrotron, which I doubt are everyday tasks!
Damn, you just ruined the whole basis of my argument.
Damn, you just ruined the whole basis of my argument.
tell that to the Covenant
You seem to be the kid in town, so Imma ask: HOW DO I GET THE COW'S MASK GODDAMMIT.
lol muff. calm down, I know how you feel about music theory. And that wasn't really my implication in writing that. But for me personally, yes, music theory is extremely important for writing good music and studying music in general. I basically agree with everything eveningninja said.>implying you need musical theory to make serious music
Well Mr. Laiho-4eva, my epic Majoras Mask skills have allowed me to pour out this secret knowledge to you.
1. Get the Goron's Mask by following the gray ghost of Darmani to his grave and play the Song of Healing.
2. Acquire the ability to use a Power Keg by doing the challenge in the mountains area.
3. Play The Song Of Time.
4. Get 50 Rupees.
5. Buy the power keg and go to the swamp area.
6. Get on the road and equip the Power Keg and blow the boulder up.
7. Return to your normal link form.
8. Talk to Cremia. Meet her at 2 AM. Play the song of double time to speed up time.
9. Fight off the ghosts. If you fail, Cremia's mind will be indoctrinated.
10. On the 2nd day, talk to Romani at 6 P.M. Offer to ride with her in the wagon.
11. Fight off Gorman's brothers to protect the milk.
12. Congratulations. You just received Romani's Mask. Now you can get access to the milk more easily.
i actually took this from wikihow
What...? Bam's an actual word, it doesnt have to be the actual song bodom after midnight. Your a stooge lmao.