Guitar Player's Thread

umosay, arent you registered in the wintersun forums? The forum software there hates me and I want the thing to be published because ultimate-guitar rejects all my newer tabs. So could please post it there:

Sure dude, I post there as 'marts'

Will post your tab in off-topic section,.
>Implying he is 190cm and is cool also as homosexual gone as far as decided to go after look more like

>Implying that i imply the implication of aforementioned implied statement

^Something like Syu's signature guitar fretboard?


I agree. I'd love to have a fretboard like this, even though this fretboard actually goes to the 27th fret. But that's beside the point... I like the diagonally cut fretboard... alright fine I just wanted to post Syu's guitar cuz I'm a fanboy :blush:
I agree with you on the diagonally cut fretboard, but I can see why some people are saying it's's cuz the wings aren't very pointed, which gives it a toy-ish kind of look.


don't lie. this is what eveningninja really looks like you guys:

What? :lol:

I always thought you are a girl because of some of your comments about Alexi in the Pic Thread and some dialogues with Mystique :lol:
haha yeah, ninja has a fetish for Alexi's and Syu's cocks :blush:

btw, Michael, I thought you were like 5'7. Doesn't 176cm = 5'9?

I'm almost 5'8 which = 173cm I think
because standardization of a measuring unit which will avoid dangerous and lethal situations in shit like space shuttle flights(deaths have occured in this scenario) and other types of flights, and errors in general, is for fags?
^agreed. altho this is probably my fav galneryus song he did:

those gallops and that sweeping section = <3

and syu looks better in person also
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So, to the whole weight/height thing, I'm around 180cm and 75kg or so. After a particularly partying/drinking-driven september and no sports at all during said months I may have gained some weight (I actually look at the mirror and think "fat fuck!" in the morning :goggly:), but will get it off in a month or so as I'm now training 3 times a week and doing some other sport shit. Sport is fun :kickass:

Actually next week I'm playing my uni's "wellcome noobs week" (we'll call it that for a lack of knowledge of the real name from me) 12h football tournament. Starts on Monday at 22:00 and ends Tuesday at 10:00 :lol:


Well at least you're not as tall as Lady GaGa which TheKid is.


Well, you really don't look like you weigh that :)

Okay about 180cm and my weight is somewhere between 50 and 60 kg, what do I win?

You should win some kg man.

The thing is: I do sports regularly and eat the normal amount (well I don't many different things). I'm neither real muscualar nor fat. I just lacking 15 kilo which sucks sometimes.

I'm turning 19 and I still grow a bit.

I'd advice running and exercising a bit. I know gims are full of jerks who just want to get bigger muscles (which will turn into loads of fat when they're older), but looks like you could do with some more muscle. Swimming is also a good way to gain some, plus it's really good for the whole body and helps your lungs and all.

Posted :)

ummm, I'm working with a drummer atm, should be ready to record pretty soon - already made all the virtual instruments. ^_^

Really?? Wow that's awesome! But just one thing: become the next Jari instrumentally/composition wise speaking, but please pleas please don't follow his lead on working on albums :lol:

wtf is this cm shit

we use inches in america you fucks

We (the rest of the world besides the UK) use cms you fuck :p