Well, both the Marshall and SG are my dad's, even though I do use both of those from time to time. The Alexi and some $200 practice amp are the only equipment I really "have." I dunno man, I just honestly think I'd love that LTD Scythe just as much as any other contestant even though I already have one. Multiple tunings, variety, etc. New guitars are exciting. I mean it's also a question of which contestant
needs the guitar the most versus who maybe
deserves it most. I really did put a lot of effort into that video, although that's partly because I'm a noob with Sony Vegas
Thanks man. Hm... well I'm sorta in this state right now where I've got some ideas flowing around, some of it in my mind still and some has been GPro'd for the time being. Definitely expect an entry from me in the next Cobot album whenever that may be. I am pretty excited to hear this third one, I'll download that when I get back home