Guitar Player's Thread

Holy shit, that's exactly what I've been wanting. I've never really played an explorer, though. How is the access to the high frets? It seems like it'd be difficult to reach because the cutaway isn't deep enough...

that cutaway looks perfect for reaching the high frets...better than most others. btw, what guitar do you play?
Hey everyone, I am looking for some advice from fellow guitarists. I own an LTD MH-1000FR but am selling it because I hate not being able to tune freely (it has a double-locking bridge) and want a fixed bridge guitar. I am thinking of getting these 2:

LTD V-401:
I think this is meant to be the 09 version of the V-500. My questions are, (I will have it tuned 1 step down) is having two 81's a good combo? (is the 81 a good neck pickup) and is the cutaway good enough, it almost looks difficult to reach the 24th fret

Epiphone Prophecy Les Paul GX:
This guitar looks beast, the reason I like this one is because the pickups are passive (the Prophecy EX has EMG 81/85 and I don't want 2 black guitars) and the finish is amazing, not to mention it has 24 frets which is rare for Gibson/Epiphone.

The reason I want 2 is because I like the V, but it seems like it won't be able to create a softer sound for songs like BFMV's Say Goodnight The V seems Pro Metal ecspecially with the 81 combo. But then again, they use that V for clean sound in the performance.
I notice that BFMV use V's live and Les Pauls in the studio *i think*

My next big question is: Guitars are all about vibration of the strings, thats why better wood = better tone. The best acoustic shape is the dreadnought shape because of the size so I am thinking that a Les Paul shape is the best shape for tone, the V has little wood between the bridge and neck so it seems like they would have a horrible sound. Can someone enlighten me on this, I almost want this buy to be the best guitar for me and am not quite sure if this is a good decision or not
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I don't know man. the electric Guitar is an electrical instrument. The string vibrates and the magnets in your pick up, well picks up the vibrations. To me wood doesnt not have a big difference in the tone of an electric because most of the tone is in your pickups. I am biased however because I play violin and that kind of stuff has a much bigger impact on the sound with violins.
that LTD is a very good guitar. It plays really nicely. It's huge though, and i'm a pretty big guy.
Hey everyone, I am looking for some advice from fellow guitarists. I own an LTD MH-1000FR but am selling it because I hate not being able to tune freely (it has a double-locking bridge) and want a fixed bridge guitar. I am thinking of getting these 2:

LTD V-401:
I think this is meant to be the 09 version of the V-500. My questions are, (I will have it tuned 1 step down) is having two 81's a good combo? (is the 81 a good neck pickup) and is the cutaway good enough, it almost looks difficult to reach the 24th fret

Well, unless you really have tiny fingers, I don't think the cutaway would be an issue. As for the pickups, I have a friend who has 2 81's in an LTD F-400FM and his guitar really sounds awesome. He uses the neck pickup for most of his solos.

The Les Paul looks good too, I love the finish.
It all depends on what you like and what tone you're going for, but I have an 81 in the neck of my SV, and -despite my soon switching over to passives- I think it sounds really good there.

It balances out the roundness of neck-pickup tone, so that it retains clarity, while still being noticeably smoother than the bridge.
Hey everyone, I am looking for some advice from fellow guitarists. I own an LTD MH-1000FR but am selling it because I hate not being able to tune freely (it has a double-locking bridge) and want a fixed bridge guitar. I am thinking of getting these 2:

LTD V-401:
I think this is meant to be the 09 version of the V-500. My questions are, (I will have it tuned 1 step down) is having two 81's a good combo? (is the 81 a good neck pickup) and is the cutaway good enough, it almost looks difficult to reach the 24th fret

Epiphone Prophecy Les Paul GX:
This guitar looks beast, the reason I like this one is because the pickups are passive (the Prophecy EX has EMG 81/85 and I don't want 2 black guitars) and the finish is amazing, not to mention it has 24 frets which is rare for Gibson/Epiphone.

The reason I want 2 is because I like the V, but it seems like it won't be able to create a softer sound for songs like BFMV's Say Goodnight The V seems Pro Metal ecspecially with the 81 combo. But then again, they use that V for clean sound in the performance.
I notice that BFMV use V's live and Les Pauls in the studio *i think*

My next big question is: Guitars are all about vibration of the strings, thats why better wood = better tone. The best acoustic shape is the dreadnought shape because of the size so I am thinking that a Les Paul shape is the best shape for tone, the V has little wood between the bridge and neck so it seems like they would have a horrible sound. Can someone enlighten me on this, I almost want this buy to be the best guitar for me and am not quite sure if this is a good decision or not

no problem, bfmv use emgs
I'd go with the prophecy, i have a prochecy SG and it treats me very well. although my BC rich V is always my first love and i'll always like it more since it was my first.
yeah, my dream guitar <3<3<3
and i have an epi explorer, it's easy to reach the upper frets, and mine is a set-neck, that one is a neckthru, so it should be waaaay easier


Dunno what guitar planet you've been living on, but if that isn't a deep cutaway I don't know what is. Compared to something like RR/Alexi guitars, your access is so much better, I personally wouldn't see a need to have any deeper of a cutaway unless you have a very deep thumb position on the neck and/or have banana hands that would get in the way of the body, but if that was the case just use a V-shaped guitar and problem solved.

that cutaway looks perfect for reaching the high frets...better than most others. btw, what guitar do you play?

It's not obvious to me, from looking at it. You're all saying it's a pretty deep cutaway, and despite not knowing any of you- I trust you, haha. I actually do have an alexi guitar, so whenever I'm playing real high up, I do throw my hand over the cutaway there. And like I said, I haven't really played any explorers, but I have fucked around with one at guitar center for like a minute and a half, and at first glance it seemed like a pain in the ass to reach the highest frets. Not that I couldn't get used to it, I'm sure... I think I'd be willing to deal with it, even if it was a pain. I tried to find an explorer body style guitar with a floyd and 24 fret neck-thru on ebay when I bought the alexi, but I had no luck. I didn't think to look for one from a smaller custom guitar shop, but I assume it probably would have been out of my price range, anyway...

Anyway, on another topic which I suppose has been talked about before in this thread, but I'm not gonna go check- A coworker of mine is into woodworking, and with one of his orders of some expensive wood, he got a couple free guitar blanks. He asked me if I wanted them, but I said I don't know how to build a guitar. But for the last few weeks now, the urge to try and build one, from scratch, has been growing. Have any of you ever tried building your own? I've read that making the neck is a bitch...
The neck is definitely the hardest part, from what I know.

However, if you don't mind it being a bolt-on, you could just make the body yourself and buy a neck you like from a place like Warmoth, or Carvin.
Aye, I've don't recall ever seeing anyone called Ruins posting.

It seems like building a bolt on would have it's advantages and disadvantages, as far as ease of construction goes. With the bolt on, there's more of a worry that your neck wont be straight in relation to the body. If you build a neck-thru, then you can be pretty damn sure that it's going to be straight and level. At least that's what I've gathered so far. One thing that's really throwing me is installing the truss rod.
Well, a neck-thru is guaranteed to be straight and level if it's made it that way. Which is of course isn't as easy as it may seem, at least for a beginner. Not to mention doing the truss rod, like you said, is another challenge.
Aye, I've don't recall ever seeing anyone called Ruins posting.

It seems like building a bolt on would have it's advantages and disadvantages, as far as ease of construction goes. With the bolt on, there's more of a worry that your neck wont be straight in relation to the body. If you build a neck-thru, then you can be pretty damn sure that it's going to be straight and level. At least that's what I've gathered so far. One thing that's really throwing me is installing the truss rod.