Guitar Player's Thread

I've been playing for about a year, if i were to analyse my playing i would say my rhythm playing is good but my lead sucks, mostly because i can't play any fast leads yet.
Fetzer said:
Technical ? Improvisation ? Interpretation ? Transposition ? Chords ? Scales ? Reading music ? General Music Theory ? Etc ?

Let's think now. What could he conclude that i needed to practice on from my 15 sec of playing. I doubt it's anything of the above, except technical, which practically means speed. I was also being a bit sarcastic because i wasn't really sure what he was trying to say.
Well I can play alot of thing really fast on the key but my technicallity is not very good, so I don't think it's the same. And anyway it's not important, I even don't know why I'm posting...
Calm down guys, fuck. He's doing good for 7 months, I wasn't even playing lead at that time and now I'm playing 16ths at 200bpm. Everyone progresses at their own pace.
Cofee_Annihilator said:
^ show me ur practice shedule. :oops:
i need some idea too.

I hardly practise. I got this way by playing like 8 hours a day when I was in school. I just used to play Metallica, then moved on to Satriani, then Vai, then Malmsteen, then Paul Gilbert then Laiho.

So by the time I tryed playing Satriani licks, I already had good control so it was easy for me. Then when I moved onto Vai, I already had experience playing melodies so that wasn't too hard. Then when I discovered Yngwie, I had already played all the stuff above so his style wasn't hard to pick up and the speed just came naturally from playing for ages everyday.

I usually just take parts of songs that I want to learn and practise them.


Picking: Alcatrazz's Jet to Jet solo intro or Scit Scat Wah by Racer X.
Legato: Just basic mode shapes up and down.
Tapping: Paul Gilbert patterns to a metronome.
Sweep picking: This Godless Endeavour has a great sweep section. Not to forget most Jason Becker/Cacophony songs too (Black Cat, Altitudes).

That's basically how I got my chops together but now I just play simple 4/6/8 note patterns because I'm preparing myself to play Racer X stuff which is ridiculously hard.
okok... btw... could you go to your postoffice and check that thingy .. you know... here they said you have to go there coz they cannot recognize that english number :(
<-Warheart-> said:

Picking: Alcatrazz's Jet to Jet solo intro or Scit Scat Wah by Racer X.
Legato: Just basic mode shapes up and down.
Tapping: Paul Gilbert patterns to a metronome.
Sweep picking: This Godless Endeavour has a great sweep section. Not to forget most Jason Becker/Cacophony songs too (Black Cat, Altitudes).

got tabs of some of it?