hair length among male metal-heads

How long is your hair?

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this is so unfair, girls here like long hair dudes and I can't my hair long due to genes and bad haircare as a child.
My hair is not fully grown, but it's still long. I work at a restaurant and on the hill and waitresses don't avoid me and have been nothing but nice as hell to me. Maybe it just depends on where you work,etc.. I have not had people treat me strange or anything. I thought people would and was wrong.
this is so unfair, girls here like long hair dudes and I can't my hair long due to genes and bad haircare as a child.

Well I doubt you'd hook up with any of the ladies on this forum, so I wouldnt worry about their preferences. Alot of girls always say to me I prefer it when you had short hair, or I think you'd look better with short hair. But a women isnt going to change who I am so fuck that.
Im growing my hair and it looks gay as. Its probably at the bottom of my eyes when I pull it down or when ive just washed it and its wet. If I leave it like that I look like a semi emo fag, if I push it straight back over my head it looks just as bad.

Do you guys have any tips on a) how to get it to grow faster and b) how to style it when its at an in between stage as it is now.
1) It can't grow faster
2) Get used to looking like a prat for a while...or use a lot of styling products and stick it over your ears so that it's solid enough to not move at all. But that'd look just as silly.
you can go into a hair styling place, and they have shampoos that suppossedly make it grow faster. Of course, you may look like a homo when you buy it, but its ok I guess.

Myself, I just did my first ponytail ever yesterday and it owned. I think it doubled my sex appeal or something, cause I noticed girls looking at me. Mabye though, I was just more self conscious cause I was doing something new. Anyways, ponytails own hardcore.
I did it. I have finally blasphemed against the metal gods and dishonored my family. Yes, I cut the hair.





I have long hair. It comes down to almost my nipples and it is very straight and medium shade of brown. I love it but it may affect me getting a job.
you can go into a hair styling place, and they have shampoos that suppossedly make it grow faster. Of course, you may look like a homo when you buy it, but its ok I guess.

Myself, I just did my first ponytail ever yesterday and it owned. I think it doubled my sex appeal or something, cause I noticed girls looking at me. Mabye though, I was just more self conscious cause I was doing something new. Anyways, ponytails own hardcore.

I laughed out loud.

If only, if only...
Mine is short. I had it long when I was a kid (cause it was the 70's and my parents were hippies), and then through the second half of the 80's up until about 1997 (cut a few times for jobs, but immedeately grown back out after getting the job). But it started thinning in the front/top. It's big and curly, so it started looking real bad with it all bush and then the front all flat and thin. So I had to cut it. I would still have it long if I could.

Me in about 1994:


I am the grownup
