hair length among male metal-heads

How long is your hair?

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Just out of curiosity, how exactly did long hair come to be associated with metal?

Probably a left-over hippie rock-and-roll thing. A lot of those old bands had long hair. Sabbath and Zeppelin did. All kinds of others. I guess metal just took it a step further by almost requiring it in the 80's.

Though I miss those days of long hair for everyone, I guess my balding ass appreciates these days of everything goes.



When I was younger I grew my hair long,about halfway down my back like most my metalhead friends.When I turned 16 and wanted a job I cut it.I grew it out a few times in my 20's.I always keep it short nowadays.I could grow it out now if I wanted.My boss wouldn't care but I just prefer it short.Easy to wash never needs combing.I doubt I'll ever grow it out again.
My hair grows to the sides,(in volume, so to speak) so I need to trim down the bush regularly in order not to look like a complete oddball.:p

That's how mine was too. I actually had a nickname of Bushman in high school.

I found that growing it as long as possible to weigh it down and NOT brushing it while dry helped a lot. I wish I had realized the not brushing thing sooner. Here was me in about 1987, probably not too long before a trim.


That's how mine was too. I actually had a nickname of Bushman in high school.

I found that growing it as long as possible to weigh it down and NOT brushing it while dry helped a lot. I wish I had realized the not brushing thing sooner. Here was me in about 1987, probably not too long before a trim.



eeeeekkkk :hypno:
hahahaha. so it does weigh it self down when it gets longer?
because mine is curly as fuck right now

Yeah, it does. Mine was pretty curly too, but not fro-curly, so I guess it depends. You can see in that pic it looks just a bit longer than shoulder length, but it was probably about 3-4 inches longer than it looks. Later I had it even longer (see pic earlier in this thread) and also changed my brushing habits (and probably had a different hair cutter too) and it hung way more.
