Hardcore chicks vs. metal ladies

csak az a baj,h én meghallgatom a te zenédet is, és nem mondok róla semmi rosszat, te viszont mindig fikázod azt, ami nem metal. :D talán sérti a fülecskédet vagymi :/
amúgy meg nem ez a téma, szal ha erről akarsz dumálni, nyiss új thread-et.
szeretleeeeeek :)
Norkaaa said:
dear Peti, I guess you don't know anything about hc...be vagy kissé gyöpösödve zeneileg,haha :D
It's not me who wanted to talk about it.
Well you listen to those bands I like and don't have a bad word about it.
Hmm-hmm.. Maybe 'cause I like good bands? Anyway I do like non-metal bands but hardcore is for fags...
See ya
metal chicks are the best and I am one :)
Hardcore chick:

Metal chick:
Hardcore is big in London ontario, so Metal chicks, considering all the hardcore girls are fucking ridiculous. Besides hardcore is for stupid people.
Chuga chuga chuga
Chuga chuga chuga
Chuga chuga chuga
Chuga chuga chuga
Chuga chuga chuga
Chuga chuga chuga

Tut Ankh Amon said:
i prefer the normal chicks with good taste for music
but that's very very rare, and i already spent my ticket, now i'm just plain screwed :p

yeah, normal chicks with good taste of music are better, but like you said, it's really rare :erk: