Has anyone here ever been in a fight?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Just curious, but have you ever been in a punch up? Whether you kicked ass or got your ass kicked? Ever been mugged or something like that? Or ever witnessed something pretty horrific?

And I don't mean playground brawls when you were 6. :loco:
Closest was a wrestling with a bro once and it turned serious, had to keep him in a headlock for about 30 minutes so he wouldn't get up and kick my ass. I was about 12. Other than that just minor skirmishes and my everyday ass kicking of course. :loco:

Watched a dude get ejected from his car in a wreck, that freaked me out for a bit. The car blindsided him at about 10mph and he was going probably 60mph, his truck flipped all the way across the intersection and he was laying on the curb afterwards.

I dissected dead humans once in high school, that was more :kickass: than :ill: surprisingly. Field trip to LA College of Chiropractics.
sure, three times. i won the 2 (in the other they split us, this is how it is said right?). The 2 i won were with classmates. The other was with a friend
"How much you know about yourself if you never have been in a fight?"
Thankfully, I've never been in a fight (post-school). I've seen a few though. One in particular was fucking disgusting. Three drunk lads kicking the shit of some 40 year old, smashing bottles on his head, beating him with sticks etc. It was happening on a Saturday afternoon on a busy train station. I went to tell a station guard and he said the police were on their way. Once the police sirens were in range, the guys ran off. I don't know what sparked it - they came out of nowhere and just started beating him - and had the cops not arrived, they would have probably killed him, or thrown him in front of a train.

I'm not sure what became of the victim but I'm sure he's been scarred for life. I don't know what happened to the drunk idiots either, but I'd like to think they're banged up in jail.

All violence I've seen has been alcohol related as well. That's why alcohol is banned from football stadiums now too. Hooligan mob fights are the worst.
At a Morbid Angel / Dissection / At the Gates show I watched two dudes fight all the way across the venue (not that big) being kicked by a bunch of skinheads in the crowd the whole time. When it was broken up the one dude had chunks of his face missing by what looked like fingernail attacks. Yeech.
JayKeeley said:
Just curious, but have you ever been in a punch up? Whether you kicked ass or got your ass kicked? Ever been mugged or something like that? Or ever witnessed something pretty horrific?

And I don't mean playground brawls when you were 6. :loco:

LOL. I have witnessed and have been involved in all of the above. I have some pretty fucked up stories but will hold off until later. I gotta go.
You can read about my latest fight here.

I usually just flee when things are getting dangerous. I have fought few times though. The most memorable must be the time when some skinny druggie tried to mug me in Spain. It was one of the few times I've actually beaten up someone.
abcdefg - are you male or female? Either way, that was brilliant. Self defence is totally necessary.

What's funnier is how that thread is turning into an Opeth bashing session.
nothing really, other than a few pushing matches that were quickly broken up. Funny thing is, I've never started one. It's always people wanting to start shit with me for some reason. Maybe because I rule.

Being 225 lbs and 6'5" probably has a lot to do with never being in a real serious fight. I'll put mofos in the hospital. haha

Opeth17 - While at college, my bros would tell me to play my CDs while we were hazing pledges. Three of my bros tried out for the Navy SEALS, two are currently SEALS. One of the three told me I scared the crap out of him because I look normal, yet listen to metal. Whatever. SO yeah, I understand your situation. Funny thing though, I don't advertise the music I listen to.
same here ... 6'7" has stopped many a people from picking on me. I started some fights becuase of what someone said ... usually some racist shit make my blood boil ... but it was quickly broken up

Ironically just last night a friend of friend was stabbed in the arm and neck by a mugger here in Brooklyn, NY ... he is OK ... the knife missed his main artery in his neck luckily.
Fuck! So how safe is the area surrounding NorthSix? And can I park somewhere nearby?
that area is pretty safe .. really bohemian and always busy into the early hours.
you should have no problem parking next to the club. most people that hang in Billburg are either locals or poor schmoes with no cars :)

this stabbbing happend in a real shady area of Brooklyn ... basically in a place where this does not really surprise me
Why did he go there then? Shit, poor dude.

I got lost in downtown Cincinnati recently (thank god I'm outta there now) and I swear, I might as well have been driving somewhere in Cape Town or Nairobi. Of course I was in a convertible Mustang rental as well, so I might as well have been chucking money out the window attracting all these psychos.

It still shocks me, after living here since 98, that there are really vile parts of this country that look like that. For the richest country in the world, it just shouldn't be like that.
I've never been in a fight (although, being a girl, I knew the first thing you did in case you were about to be in one was take your earrings out so the other girl couldn't rip them out :p).

However, one night when I was studying in Madrid my two guy friends and I had been out drinking and were walking around in the wee hours of the morning. Two drunk Spanish guys were passing us in a pretty deserted area and started saying crap to me (as drunk Spanish guys often will)... you know, just the general "hey, baby, how about you come over here and suck my dick" or something similar. The two guys I was with (one was 6'4" and very athletic, the other was just a crazy bastard) proceeded to turn around and beat the living shit out of them. I told them to stop, but they didn't and I just left. Apparently the cops showed up after not too long and my two friends just legged it and got away. It was really awful. At the time I didn't see it as them being protective of me at all, I just saw it as a drunken attack, and I did not want to be "responsible" for it. Now I think of it as a "guy" thing that I won't ever really understand.
J. said:
One of the three told me I scared the crap out of him because I look normal, yet listen to metal..

It's the same with me. I have an Opeth hoodie that I wear, but other then that, you wouldn't even know I listened to metal unless by chance you happened to hear it coming through my headphones. I think as soon as people learn you listen to metal they just assume your a blood thirsty, insane, satanist. Of course, this can work to your advantage in certain situations. :tickled: