Has there been announcement regarding moving PP to September?

Originally posted by FataMorgana
I keep seeing people mention that it's in September this year.


I think the Gold Badge people were initially told September, but I can't remember if Glenn has actually mentioned it in this forum.

Is the reason you don't do a summer festival because it's too hot or what? It seems to me that more kids would show up in the summer... when school is out.

I read somewhere that fall festival dates provide cheaper travel costs for bands and fans flying in to Atlanta (or wherever), and also avoids conflict with the European summer festivals, which might prevent a number of the bands from making the trip.
Ok I was into this music big time in high school. But there are definately college age kids into this music, and it can be really hard for us to go anywhere during the semester.
I'm in college and missed a few days of classes last semester for PPIII...and I missed high school classes the year before for PPII. I'll be missing several days of college courses again next semester. ProgPower is well worth it. :D
well missing school is not that hard unless you have exams or something. Professors generally won't let you miss an exam for a concert. So september is probably better in that regard, usually midterms don't start until later. I know when I saw blind guardian last year, I had to finish a big programming project early in order to go. It was definately the only one I finished early all semester!