Have you ever done any illicit drugs?


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Only marijuana and once shrooms, but not that much! To me, marijuana is just a nice away to relax and see things a bit differently! I know some people (footbalm) around here don't like it, but they're just fucking GAY!
Weed is so much safer than alcohol it's mindboggling how it isn't accepted either by law or culture in much of the world. Weird stuff.

Just weed, the occasional over the counter pill. The only hallucinogens I've done was because of laced weed.

Never did acid, always wanted to but was always afraid that my brain was prewired for a horrible trip so I never did. Although I'm pretty sure I did PCP-laced weed once and had a great time, so I'd probably be okay.

I need to try shrooms.
I tried smoking cigarettes a few times, mostly when I was drunk... dunno why that appeals to people so much, but I know JayK can back me up on that one! Other than that, I tried hand-rolled tobacco once, and a bit of smoking to supposedly enhance the effects of marijuana, which I dunno if it actually does.
Henrik Main said:
I've never even tried smoking cigarettes, by the way. Anyone else?
I love to smoke and don't even really want to quit, but I would never recommend anyone trying it if they haven't. Nicotine is more addictive than pussy and heroin put together.
I've been practicing all the common stuff on a regular basis on one time or another. I've smoked on and off for fifteen years. Combined, I've probably smoked for eight or nine years, but I've been clean for two years now. As for snus, I've done that on rare occasions for ten years. It's been a year since I bought a box, though. As for drinking; always have, always will.

EDIT: I also tried weed on a few occasions when I was a stupid teen. Now I'm a stupid adult, and don't do that stuff... :Spin:
To those that have never tried any drugs, why haven't you? Is it seen as a "bad" thing in today's world still? I'm curious, because when I meet people that have never done anything besides maybe alcohol, they always have some strange morality issue with something as trivial as smoking a joint.

Just really weird since I grew up with stoners and hippies, it was pretty much a given that you at least experimented with drugs.
I'd rather have fun while I'm alive than spend every waking second trying to extend my life as long as possible! I'll die when the time comes, and won't be able to do anything about it. Odds are it'll be completely out of my hands.
Weed, salvia a couple of times, nothing else. Don't do any drugs regularly really, even alcohol. Having no social life will do that to you.