Have you ever had a psychic reading and do you believe in it?

Oct 16, 2010
First off, quite simply... They are ALL charlatans. I can't believe people can actually believe this shit, and it makes me mad.

But apparently there are a lot of gullible people out there, so please elaborate on what they told you that made you a believer.

I find the concept of a God totally ridiculous, but I cannot prove this. I can prove time and time again that no living person has ever been psychic though.

It's funny when you watch these programmes of psychics channelling the dead... "Oh he said something about the name Mary or something that sounds like that". WTF? So the psychic is in contact listening to this dead person, but apparently the dead person can only say a few vague words. "Oh he's breaking up" So it's a dodgy connection in the spirit world is it?

You'll never hear a psychic say something confidently. It will always be "she said something about... this or that". You wont hear "She says do you remember the time you guys got drunk and hired that midget to dance for you?" Anything specific is totally out the question hence it's total bullshit.

I hope you all agree, but as I say, I'm very eager to hear some stories so it can be picked apart so you can stop being so gullible and stop giving your money to these fraudsters.
I completely believe in ESP, psychic abilities and telepathy, but anyone who proclaims to have such abilities and then tries to make money off it simply cannot.
I refuse to believe for a second that anyone with such ability would use it for financial gain in place of self-betterment and exploration.

My friend and I seem to have some mild telepathy going on. Not in that we have conversations with our minds or any of that hokey bullshit, but rather that we seem to predict each others actions and find ourselves drawn together at certain times and fundamentally know that these times are going to happen before they happen.
I frequently get the feeling he will turn up on my doorstep that night, and lo and behold, he always does whenever I get that feeling.
I hate to use the word "telepathy," in fact. I don't know what word I'd use, if any at all. I'm sure there's some sort of scientific explanation, but there's somethings I feel don't need to be understood rationally.
But I feel that is how such an ability is morel ikely to manifest itself. A representation of bonds and connections rather than some hokey cartoon charicature of such an ideal.
Im not a believer, but my wife said to me that a lady once told her how she would know the love of her life, the lady described me (Long Hair, Beard, Mustache bla bla bla) also when and where she would know me. is funny because we met just by coincidence (Her boyfriend at the time got his truck stucked in water, so me and my friends helped them, and the rest is history :)). I guy once read me the cards or something i really don´t remember, i was impulsed by curiosity, and some of the stuff he told me partially became reallity, but those easily can be just because factible coincidences..
I completely believe in ESP, psychic abilities and telepathy, but anyone who proclaims to have such abilities and then tries to make money off it simply cannot.
I refuse to believe for a second that anyone with such ability would use it for financial gain in place of self-betterment and exploration.

My friend and I seem to have some mild telepathy going on. Not in that we have conversations with our minds or any of that hokey bullshit, but rather that we seem to predict each others actions and find ourselves drawn together at certain times and fundamentally know that these times are going to happen before they happen.
I frequently get the feeling he will turn up on my doorstep that night, and lo and behold, he always does whenever I get that feeling.
I hate to use the word "telepathy," in fact. I don't know what word I'd use, if any at all. I'm sure there's some sort of scientific explanation, but there's somethings I feel don't need to be understood rationally.
But I feel that is how such an ability is morel ikely to manifest itself. A representation of bonds and connections rather than some hokey cartoon charicature of such an ideal.

This is just because you know each other well.

Funnily enough I experienced this a lot this evening sitting with my little bro who's just come home for christmas. We were sitting watching music vids and we'd both start air drumming or singing at random places in songs. It is freaky, but surely you'd agree it'd be very weird if a random stranger started doing it with you.

You learn from each other and discuss things and have a lot in common. Intuition comes naturally if you are close to the person. You get to know how they think and if you spend enough time with someone you tend to think the same things because you discuss a variety of topics of common interest.

As far as you not believing anyone genuinely psychic would use it for financial gain... That's very convenient isn't it. That's what they all say. They can read the future and speak to the dead but would never think twice about entering the lottery to win millions. They'd rather sit in squalor and hope you'll give them some money for their readings.
Im not a believer, but my wife said to me that a lady once told her how she would know the love of her life, the lady described me (Long Hair, Beard, Mustache bla bla bla) also when and where she would know me. is funny because we met just by coincidence (Her boyfriend at the time got his truck stucked in water, so me and my friends helped them, and the rest is history :)). I guy once read me the cards or something i really don´t remember, i was impulsed by curiosity, and some of the stuff he told me partially became reallity, but those easily can be just because factible coincidences..

That's a very vague reading.

I would argue... Why not give more detail?

If they can genuinely predict the future, why did she not say "At 9:32pm you will bump in to this person at a specific bar and you will fall for him and blah blah blah".

Fair point?

Maybe your wife looks like a rock chick? It would be a fair assumption to say maybe she likes rock type guys.

But more importantly, what about the million other readings that are wrong?

People jump up when they think about their cold reading and think holy fuck what that person said was right. You wouldn't do the same if it didn't happen. Much like people will complain about a product on the internet rather than praise it. The opposite applies in the "spirit world". Everyone is very eager to tell their story and ignore the obvious.
I just shared what i have about that stuff, as i said im not a believer, also my wife doesn´t look as a rock chick now nor at that time either(She was the opposite in fact), i know is a vague reading and can´t give more detail cause im not defending the psychic reading , just felt like wanted to share something to the topic :)
If you can see the spirit world, why the fuck would money matter?

Sorry, but this makes no sense.

Are you suggesting that the spirit world provides you with food and accommodation? Money matters in this world (the one that actually exists).

How is "seeing the spirit world" of any use to anyone if they can't exploit it, other than telling bereaved family members that their beloved dead father is thinking of them on the other side, at a price of course, and making it up playing on the person's beliefs. It is so wrong.
I just shared what i have about that stuff, as i said im not a believer, also my wife doesn´t look as a rock chick now nor at that time either(She was the opposite in fact), i know is a vague reading and can´t give more detail cause im not defending the psychic reading , just felt like wanted to share something to the topic :)

And thanks for sharing dude :)

I was just playing Devil's Advocate. I think it's just way too easy to pick apart every single part of a psychic reading.

I don't wish to come across as offensive.
south park did a highly satisfying bit on this. the one with john edwards being the biggest douche in the universe. highly recommend it, haha. family guy also took a delightful stab at john edwards:

"i'm sensing something... does your name begin with... an A?"
"a B?"
"nuh uh.."
a C? D? E? F? G? H? I? J? K? L? M? N? O? P?"
"P!! My names PETER!"
"...is your name peter?"
"WOW. you are some kind of sorcerer."
I tend to never "believe", i prefer to know and experience instead.

Yes i had some unexplainable (by modern science) experiences.
If i ever wanted a "reading" i would learn how to do it and try to do it myself.
isn't that just called... ... thinking? :loco:

I meant the real thing, not the scam thing. :)

A reading is basically using some objects to connect with your subconscious mind - it is very scam friendly because the client can't verify anything that happens only in the readers mind.

IMHO Much better but way less spectacular would be just going into a trance state to connect with your subconscious mind without using any stupid "magical" boards...

I mean something like the native american spiritual voyages in a tent filled with smoke or some vapors.. or something like that :)
There was a documentary on A & E called psychic kids with a really convincing kid [I'm a hardcore skeptic of psychics] named Dalton Kropp. Eventually they turned it into a running series. He was followed by camera crews because he was empath and could feel what "ghosts" were feeling. He realized he had a gift when he was out on a boat with his dad when he was 13 and he passed out and woke up saying someone was dead underneath the boat. Turns out he found a body from like a 10 year old case that was never solved.

To make a long story short, I came across him on myspace years ago. He was a normal kid, didn't have any gigs going and I messaged him about the show. He replied saying "why don't you give me a call, I wanna talk to you. I don't charge or anything". I called him and shot the shit for a little bit and eventually he said I asked you to call me because your dad wanted to say hi and tell you that he's proud of you. That's when I was like :OMG:

That's privileged info. I'm a private guy and don't run around blasting on the internet that I lost my dad or even have any kind of memorial-esque shit on my pages. He was a stranger from across the united states, there really was no way he wouldve known that and to just address it out of the blue after the first correspondence was crazy to me.

I believe that people have a gift like that, 90% of people who claim to have it are liars but the ten per cent who do either use it for good or for profit.....no pun intended.
Hey does anybody believe in subject ______. Because I think it is absurd and enjoy mocking those who believe this. So please post about your dealings with ______, so I can start telling you how stupid you are. :loco:
There was a documentary on A & E called psychic kids with a really convincing kid [I'm a hardcore skeptic of psychics] named Dalton Kropp. Eventually they turned it into a running series. He was followed by camera crews because he was empath and could feel what "ghosts" were feeling. He realized he had a gift when he was out on a boat with his dad when he was 13 and he passed out and woke up saying someone was dead underneath the boat. Turns out he found a body from like a 10 year old case that was never solved.

To make a long story short, I came across him on myspace years ago. He was a normal kid, didn't have any gigs going and I messaged him about the show. He replied saying "why don't you give me a call, I wanna talk to you. I don't charge or anything". I called him and shot the shit for a little bit and eventually he said I asked you to call me because your dad wanted to say hi and tell you that he's proud of you. That's when I was like :OMG:

That's privileged info. I'm a private guy and don't run around blasting on the internet that I lost my dad or even have any kind of memorial-esque shit on my pages. He was a stranger from across the united states, there really was no way he wouldve known that and to just address it out of the blue after the first correspondence was crazy to me.

I believe that people have a gift like that, 90% of people who claim to have it are liars but the ten per cent who do either use it for good or for profit.....no pun intended.

What does he risk by saying that to a stranger over the phone? Worst that could happen is, you get upset because it was actually your pet rabbit that was dead.... he then apologises and says the spirits are being naughty today.. and you go on none the wiser to his bullshit cold-reading tactics.
It's all bullshit. This is not my opinion, it's a fact.

The card readers (tarot) make me laugh the most. Somehow what used to be card game turned into magic. :loco:

In the future Monopoly will be used to see your path in life. :erk: