^ Wonder if they come with infra-red goggles and a jet pack.
Anyone knows a good pair of headphones for tracking guitars (and do some casual listening to some extent) that matches the following criteria ? :
-no need for extreme isolation / closed thing since outside volume is not an issue (dealing with "silent" recording mainly)
-i have a Beyerdynamc DT770pro which i find good to monitor drums and bass, but i hate my guitar sound and listening to casual music with it (it sounds weird and unpleasant), considering i often jam on backing tracks (which can be full commercial mixes or raw tracks)), whereas i love my guitar sound and listening to casual music with my focal cms 65 monitors. Guitar sound and casual music and backing tracks (full commercial mixes or raw tracks) sound fine through my super cheap (less than 20) Sony mdr cd280 headphones and my Sennheiser CX-300 II earbuds (50), but i guess i could get something better sounding for guitar tracking and casual listening, which means something flattering and pleasant, especially for the guitars (or at least that doesn't make my guitar tone sound weird and unpleasant), and still a bit accurate, without being too analytical like monitoring headphones are.
-budget : 50-500 (i.e approx. 63$-630$)
-of course i'm gonna try headphones out in stores (listening to my raw mono guitar tracks, raw mixes, and also some finished full commercial mixes), but i could use your 2 cents on this
I got the ATH-M50's especially for tracking, but since you've already got the closed DT-770's, I wouldn't go the closed route personally.
Is there a store nearby, where you'd be able to compare higher end headphones? The contest I guess is mainly between the DT-990's, K701/702's and HD-650's - possibly the Denon D2000's too - which all do their own thing. Or if you're good at just adapting to whatever, you can pretty much just look at their graphs and user reviews, compare them to what you already own and go with that. That's what I did and got the HD-650's. I also used the CX-300II's as one reference BTW, as I'd listened to them for about 2 hours every day for almost two years until they broke, and I knew that I'd be pretty much set if I got something with a somewhat similar sound, only clearer and more detailed and with a less bloated bass.
And yes, still very happy with the HD-650's. The ATH-M50's pretty much never get used when I'm at home (I don't usually carry the HD-650's with me, the plastic build scares me a little), while they're good, I vastly prefer the HD-650's for everything.
Technology-wise the Sennheiser HD800 is supposed to be the most neutral = flat headphones on the market. They cost a thousand bucks literally.
The only headphones with a spectrum response close to the HD800 is the Beyerdynamic DT880 and it costs around 200-300 bucks. I own the DT880 PRO headphones.
All I can say is that I trust these headphones more than any studio monitors I've heard. Using monitors depends a lot on what room they are in while headphones will always sound the same no matter where you are. That's just my philosophy. I'm sure using headphones for mixing will feel weird if you are used to studio monitors.
If you tried the DT880 headphones and didn't like them, my next question is what headphone amplifier did you use? Those have a HUGE impact on tone.
I was in the same situation last week. Checked them all in the studio-shop. Super disappointed of the m50, closed 770 and ALL AKG models. Wanted to buy the 701 in the first place.
Ended up with the half-open 990 and loving them!!! They have to burn in a couple of hours (hooked them up to itunes in drummer loudness) and now they sound fantastic
FYI, Shure is releasing two new high-end, open headphones. SRH1440 and SRH1840
Anyone knows a good pair of headphones for tracking guitars (and do some casual listening to some extent)