Heathen Crusade ... go attend it or die ...

Damn that was fucking fun. :rock:

Shouts to Belgar & Tomasz, and of course his lovely wife Sentra.

And more shouts to kupshi & MisterMayhem, for not only bringing Thyrfing, Primordial & Moonsorrow to the U.S. for the first time ever, but for putting on the greatest goddamned metal show I've ever fucken seen.

Yes MINJersey was nice meeting you too along with all the other people and bands. I think we really did pillage the hotel, with that, it is always too bad that some people have no respect for things.
Kris, it was nice seeing you again. This fest was the best show I ever attended since Wacken and Graspop. The venue was great, the beer was cheap, the weather was freezing, can't wait for part 2 next year.
Pics to be posted later.
I have a shitload of pictures to post as well, but I'm just waiting for a bud to help out w/ hosting them. Here's a few as a teaser:

This is me (MadeInNewJersey) and Sebastian (Belgar):

This is Tomasz and his lovely wife, Cyntra (sorry if I'm not supposed to post this pic):

edit: so I could spell Cyntra's name properly :lol:
Tranquillian said:
Tomasz you stud. Your wife is hot.

she better be ;)

Mark, you kilt wearing, crop dusting, free bowling nutt, you ARE the man. I hope we meet again somewhere sometime. Your presence made the fest so much more enjoyable. Consider yourself invited to FL, anytime. Cyntra and I are still laughing when talking about some of your lines, about Emmies, crop dusting, etc. etc. etc., you got some lines, classic.

Kris, thanks again for throwing a great fest. I hope you do it over and over as it grows from year to year. Witt line up and great organization like this you can count on us each year.

we get in at 1 am and start goofing off right away, no time wasted

Mark seemed to enjoy himself very much


next political speeches from Primordial and some mumble from Moonsorrow

the following day or should I say few hours later

funny shit

Thyrfing with clean vocalist in the background

Moonsorrow kids

Best line of the fest : Mark da Jersey man "yer titties are so big you could hide the state of Dakota in it".

The departure, farewell Florida hicks

Snow, o' sweet snow ...

Kris and I ... wish we could hang out more often.

Thyrfing ...

Moonsorrow looking more sober than the night before.

The after party with some Jersey lost Scottish man ...

The crew after 2 days of heavy drinking...