Heavy metal vs Christianity, Heavy metal vs Islam

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Susperia said:
My father and mother both hit me, everywhere, when I was little. And look, I turned out fine. I've had wooden spoons break on me...

Then again, they were Russian Orthodox. *gags*

:lol: brooTAL (really that must have blown)

My parents are not religion. I was only spanked once when little.

This is what happened....

Me and this kid my mother was watching had a sword fight with sticks. I stabbed the kid right in the eye causing him to bleed. Since my mother was watching the kid she was repsonsible & my dad flipped out spanking me with a leather belt. I was fucking raw.
Susperia said:
My father and mother both hit me, everywhere, when I was little. And look, I turned out fine. I've had wooden spoons break on me...

Then again, they were Russian Orthodox. *gags*

I had that too, and I'm English.

What was the thread again?
Isn't this the Otep "my parents are so mean to me" thread??

J/k. Sorry to all you folks who are/were abused. :ill:
Laeth MacLaurie said:
From a purely practical perspective, Islam has very little global power and represents only a marginal threat to the future. Christianity and Christian ideals are firmly embedded in the social and political structures of the Western nations who possess the lion's share of the world's projectable power. Turd Worlders aren't a long term threat. The JewSA is.

Apologies, Laeth, I almost missed your trolling.

In Laeths next reply: how the Alien invaders are in league with the Jews in denying freedom of speech.

Q: If the Jews can control free speech, do they have a hotline so I can call them and ask them to progress denial of yours as a priority ?
IOfTheStorm said:
Obviously all of you were not abused enough

I wasn't fucking abused!

Spare the rod, spoil the child, and all that :tickled:

Haha "abused"

Sheesh, I hope I didn't come across like some fucking Ricki Lake guest :yuk:
Christians, Muslims who cares let God sort them out....uh i mean Allah...no wait perhaps Buddah. Ah screw it send them all to Odin he is the toughest bastard of the lot.
Axel-Slash said:
Christians, Muslims who cares let God sort them out....uh i mean Allah...no wait perhaps Buddah. Ah screw it send them all to Odin he is the toughest bastard of the lot.

Odin was trying to catch the snowflakes yesterday--- He felt like he was being attacked by them and kept jumping and spinning around in them. Even when I let him inside he was still trying to catch them. What a weird man.

He's going to get more shots today :(
When I was outside in the rain in the dark shit faced on liquor I jumped off this rock in praise of odin. The fall ended up being higher than I thought(i thought it was like 2,3 feet) causing me to land wrong down a bank on rocks. My back was in mega pain for about 2,3 weeks. I was just laying on my back in some mud with a sharp pain in my back until I could get up. I was so shit faced I could barley walk to begin with.

fuck odin,god & stupidity :lol:
The Greys said:
When I was outside in the rain in the dark shit faced on liquor I jumped off this rock in praise of odin.

Why would you do that for a cat??

Hmm.. The things people do when they are drunk and stupid.

The man of the hour:


Yes he's my best friend.

I'm going to post more pictures of him now. If this is ban-worthy material, please just let me know and I won't do it anymore. But I'm telling you, Odin loves Metal. You'll just have to believe me.



Making me bleed.


Doing something...with my skirt.


And my other baby. She can't really walk but this is her favorite spot to sit because the furnace is below her in the basement, and it's always warm there in the winter.
I too am alergic to cats. I don't think I'd like them even if I wasn't.

So, being on topic. Kreator has a song on Enemy of God called Suicide Terrorist.

Suicide Terrorist living sacrifice
Nameless icon withing blood baptized
For the victory of brand new lies
Your life shall be the price

So I don't think they feel favorably about extremist Islamic beliefs. No idea about the mainstreamers though.

Note: This may have something to do with rhyming. Its only a theory but have you tried to rhyme with the word Muhhammed? It doesn't work. At least Poltergeist and Heist(of your soul or possibly your internal organs) rhyme with Christ. Again - more can be said about the cross than a voyage to the holy city of Mecca. Church sounds much eviler than Mosque.
Impure616 said:
I fucking hate cats, not because I dont like them but I am allergic to them.

Mr i'm a kvlt krieg black metaller is allergic to cats!


ha ha


A bunch of cats are going to surround your house tonight.

you're allergic haha dickhead
It's so cute I want to strangle it & crush it's head... j/k

We've had cats forever. I'm starting to get sick of them lately because it's cold out and they insist on wanting to go outside but will not when you open the door. Ten minutes later that cat wants to go outside but fail to realize it's going to be the same outside.

One of my cats also knocks on the doors loud when it wants to go in or outside which gets on my nervers. I'd like to get a smaller dog in the future because you can take dogs for walks.
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