"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

hails, all. New here myself, tho a veteran of many forums. Looks like a nice one here. Huge of extreme metal; a lot of my tastes run to the black end of metal but CoB have an intense style all their own I can respect and that I have really, really liked for quite sometime now. (As far as I am concerned, I call them "Bodom Metal" for reviewing purposes.) For the usual 'introduction' stuff:

26 years old(and on forums I keep getting called grandma, damnit even though I look about 19 still) but about 17 still inside ;), listening to metal since my bro introduced me to Ozzy as a little sprat, grew up on mainly thrash and death
webzine writer(reviews, interviews, live show reviews, concert photography, working at instore appearances, and travel)-non paid and I like it that way; I don't want to sell myself out to major publications(unless one asks for me that I really respect) , since many of which I have some issues with(misquoting the bands is a biggie that gets me)
Getting back into drumming after along hiatus(old arm injury, yeah I am one of about 6 female drummers)
i drink and smoke way too much given free access to coffee/ciggs

uhh..yeah, so hello everyone :D
on that note, i should probably introduce myself as well, seeing as i long forgot about this forum and only started getting back into it. and i feel like an ass about it too so no comments from the peanut gallery....

Im a 20 year old student at Westfield State college in the anus of the world, Westfield, Massachusetts. Ive been a bodom fan since my freshman year of highschool, so that was give or take 5 years ago. i joined the forum my Junior year of highschool, but completely forgot about it when my computer died and i lost access to the net for a few months. Im a huge metal fan, have been since the age of 6 when my cousin introduced me to the at the time, brand new "Black Album." and my tastes have grown (and improved) with time as well. ive played guitar for 7 years or so, but i still suck ass. and i smoke enough cowboy killers to put dennis leary to shame.

....all work and no rock makes jack a dull boy.....
I'm new. :wave: My name is Mike. I'm 17...18 in a few weeks. :) I found this message board through Nevermore's website. I was at the site and clicked a link for thier message board and was sent to thier forum here, and then I looked around the whole board and found lots of cool forums. :D Forums for alot of cool bands I like, like Arch Enemy, Children of Bodom, Nevermore, Dark Tranquillity. and Then a few otherbands I've heard a song or two from. :) I first got into metal in 1995 sometime i think... a friend of mine let me listen to some older Metallica stuff..... I know some people around dont like Metallica, lol.. but they are the first, like, metal band I was ever in to, so.... :p I like alot of metal and rock now though, mostly the heavier death metal kinda stuff now though. :headbang: I listen to the classic rock radio station at work sometimes too, cause my boss likes it, and I kinda like it too, so I dont mind, they play some Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath and stuff... I dont really own any of thier cds but I like a few of thier songs that I hear on the radio and stuff. :) Anyway, lately the stuff I listen to the most would be In Flames, CoB, Nevermore, Arch Enemy, Shadows Fall, Lamb of God, Dark Tranquillity, and other related stuff. :)

So um....Thats me, I guess. :p Hello everyone! :wave: :)
Tut Ankh Amon said:
why man?! you dont want to see my ass?!
I really was afraid you were going to ask :p

btw, hello to the new here :p

Enjoy the cream pie

Id hate to see what happened to that pie after you snapped the pic of it.

@ Zsuzsa
I wouldnt call myself a noob per se....but rather, a returner after a rather long hiatus