"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

ahhhh yes forgot to tell you hi everybody i am the_swiss_bodom(freak) i am 31 i love beer and cob if you wan tto know more about me check my site out and for good last i am a legastenic chick also sorry if you see some writing mistakes in my posts i will try to do my best

:rock: metal on and:kickass:
I'm girl from Finland... I'm 13 years old, listened rock/heavy metal/alternative/metal all my life... Never liked rap/pop... :lol: Listened Children of Bodom something like 3 yers but haved the first album something three months ago. I'm tall, I can tell that... :lol: My two favourite bands are: H.I.M. and Children of Bodom. Besides these two I like Black Sabbath, Klamydia, Sturm Und Drang, Iron Maiden, W.A.S.P. and that way...
And sorry about that that this comes a little bit late... :lol:
Hi my nam is kevin i came from quebec its norht to usa if you dont know were it is LOL i really love bodom YOU GUYS ROCK YOU ARE ALL LIE GOD!! dont speak english so sorry rofl i hope everybody is gonna be cool here and wont laught at me cause sometime i make mistke when i right!

As you can plainly tell, I'm Mistress of Mayhem and I would visit the forum every now and then, but I never decided to get an account until now. So, I guess I'm sort of new.

There's really not all that much to say about me. Music (particularly metal) is a huge part of my life. I play the drums and the keyboard. Bodom is definitely my favorite band, though while I do think that Alexi and Henkka are pretty hot, I'm not an obsessed fan girl. =P Also, I'm generally a very nice person unless someone has irritated me.

I guess that's all I've gotta say. Look forward to getting to know you guys.:)
As you can plainly tell, I'm Mistress of Mayhem and I would visit the forum every now and then, but I never decided to get an account until now. So, I guess I'm sort of new.

There's really not all that much to say about me. Music (particularly metal) is a huge part of my life. I play the drums and the keyboard. Bodom is definitely my favorite band, though while I do think that Alexi and Henkka are pretty hot, I'm not an obsessed fan girl. =P Also, I'm generally a very nice person unless someone has irritated me.

I guess that's all I've gotta say. Look forward to getting to know you guys.:)

I smell troll, although I could be wrong! If not though, welcome to the board! :kickass:
@Lussi: I've tried to play some keyboard parts from CoB songs, but I pretty much suck at playing them (lack of practice. -_-) My keyboard is a Casio LK-43.

@Heartless_Name: I like your signature lol. =]