"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

Hello, my name is Eric. I'm from Olympia, Washington. I basically just signed up to channel my dislikes of Bodom's new album. You can find the details in the "Blooddrunk" thread. And I promise you it is not trolling. Yeah, I still love Bodom but their last two releases have made me a little angry.

Hello, my name is Joe. I'm from Canada. I basically just signed up to channel my dislikes of idiots who cry like babies onliene. You can find the details of me not giving a shit about anything you say in EVERY thread. And I promise you it is not trolling. Yeah, I still love Bodom but the people whohave joined their forum during last two months have made me a little angry. :Smug:

Seriously though... you went through all the trouble of making an account just to bitch about their new CD. It's called opinion, and while I'm not too fond of it either, I don't whine about it on the internet. Here's some advice: NO ONE CARES. If you think what you say will matter, then you're an even bigger moron than I can imagine. You should be here to have fun and make friends and discuss things, not cry about an album you didn't like. Honestly, I hope I am getting trolled right now it makes me cringe to think there's REAL people like you out there.

tl;dr: Grow up and try to have fun here.
I might check in and out of here, but I'm probably gonna spend some time on the Opeth forum.
And nothing of value was lost.
Who said I was whining about the new album? It's called an opinion, buddy... Combine that with the metalcore riffing and you have the epitome of a sellout album. I mean, yeah, they sold out after AYDY?, but Blooddrunk is just taking them further downhill.

And the lyrics in this album were just screaming for angry teens. Have you read the lyrics to Lobodomy? I now know why they didn't even attempt to add the lyrics on this album.

And I will probably be banned now.
Who said I was whining about the new album?

You did.

It's called an opinion, buddy... Combine that with the metalcore riffing and you have the epitome of a sellout album. I mean, yeah, they sold out after AYDY?, but Blooddrunk is just taking them further downhill.

You think you're the first person to say this? It's been said over 9000 times by over 9000 people. Do you self a favour and keep your opinion to yourself, because in the end no one cares. If you have to cry about Bodom, do it in the official thread.

And the lyrics in this album were just screaming for angry teens. Have you read the lyrics to Lobodomy? I now know why they didn't even attempt to add the lyrics on this album.

Kim Goss wrote the lyrics to LoBodomy, and ironically the song is about internet tough guys like you talking shit about them but you'd suck their dick if you met them IRL. It's a stupid reason for a song, but it's still funny.

And I will probably be banned now.
No, but if you're only here to bitch about Blooddrunk you should probably do everyone a favour (yourself included) and leave.
I state my opinion, and you flame for it? Cool!?

This conversation will not go anywhere, since I have an opinion and you have yours... So let's leave it at that, K?

Naw, dude, I was only saying, that to join a forum and announce you're only here to state your negative opinion about a particular album, it's stupid. If you're here to have fun then by all means, have a good time and you're welcome here... If you are only interested in discussing that album, stay on-topic.
o hi I'm new