"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

That would be nice, I'll definitely be down sometime during the summer before I disappear for Europe since I have friends who live in Philly
Hello, I'm Derek from Tennessee, I'm a GMD poster and am a college student that has 3-4 semesters left of school. I might as well change my Username to Derek because that's what everyone calls me once they get to know me on here. :p :) I've still yet to buy my first CoB CD but don't worry, I'll get it sometime, so many CD's I want with so little money. :lol:
Hello, my name is Eric. I'm from Olympia, Washington. I basically just signed up to channel my dislikes of Bodom's new album. You can find the details in the "Blooddrunk" thread. And I promise you it is not trolling. Yeah, I still love Bodom but their last two releases have made me a little angry.

I might check in and out of here, but I'm probably gonna spend some time on the Opeth forum.
