"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

Damn, and I thought for some reason this thread strangely did not exist.
Hallo, I'm new.
Nothing much to say other than that I love Progressive (Death) Metal, play in a band, and I masturbated a couple hours ago so I am good to go :D
eh, thats all I have to say about that.

Join the orgy brah
Damn, and I thought for some reason this thread strangely did not exist.
Hallo, I'm new.
Nothing much to say other than that I love Progressive (Death) Metal, play in a band, and I masturbated a couple hours ago so I am good to go :D
eh, thats all I have to say about that.


I'm new (no shit!) and Ensi told me I could start by introducing myself so why not.
I like playing guitar, listening to music, probably the average guy/girl around here..
Just got my new guitar, an Jackson RR24, and yes in the 'fanboy-colour', but only because I like the colour the most and I really don't give a fuck..

For the rest I don't really know, please help me out here ^^
Oh, and I can't play for shit, I can play some bodom but it sounds shitty anyways.. I'll upload some covers of some songs when I have the time for them but beware for your ears.. ^^

Haha, I could've expected that to happen :lol:
And extra: The colour is no longer produced!

I firstly order it @ music-store.de (a well known german store like thomann.de) and after 2 weeks I emailed them how things were and they said they got called by fender that they couldn't get me one because it's discontinued. Instead of this colour, they're now producing (ugly as hell) metallic gold ones with black bevels

Here's a pic of it:


The white with black bevels one, and the black with red bevels one will still be produced, but this one no longer..
So I ordered it at Thomann and it arrived the very next day (20th of november) and everytime I open the case I'm just as stunned and amazed as when I just got it, knowing it's finally mine!
This is Omar.

He is 10 and has the voice of a 40 year old.

Hah okay. Not much mate though I've been playing alot since friday :headbang:

Anyway, I might (probably) will upgrade the pickup to either an AHB-2 (SD Blackout) but if I can find one an J50BC (that one has a great tone if you ask me, and again, no fanboyism I mean comon listen to the EMG81 and compare it to the J50BC and you'll know why I want that pup) and maybe even a JE1000 (even harder to find I guess).