"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

Yeah...I`m also new here since few days, but there isn`t so many to tell about me.
I`m a 18years old girl and I live in a small, boring village near Berlin/Germany .. At the time I go to school and learn for my school-leaving exam next year.
Everytime I ask myself if I could endure this time without music...without METAL
I don`t only love music...I live metal music Thats my life. And it doesn`t matter what kind of metal it is. The main thing is : IT HAS TO ROCK...
and Children of Bodom rocks

Praise the metal :worship:
Well, im new here, so following the tradition i'm saying Hi to everyone.

Im a girl, live in the Netherlands at the moment, although have to leave soon.

The rest is for you to figure out ;)

PS. Since i missed it here - Happy new year to everyone!
So I'm new....hehehe...like you didn't figure that out....:loco:
I love cob,but to tell the truth they are not my favorite band....sorry greenmoon666...
A cousin of mine is also on this forum,so I decided to join in when I saw her,just to piss her of a bit:loco:...
But she hates me so I can't wait for her to see this:D :D!!!
What can I say...she is a brunette:D:D:D!!!!!!!!!
Hi greenmoon666:loco:!!!
I think Alexi is sexy:D!!!! He is #1....#2 is Tuomas Holopainen:D:D:loco:
hey guys i just joined today. my name is Will, im chinese and i live in california. basically i listen to all types of rock and recently been more into metal. cob is rapidly becoming my favorite band. my other favorites are underoath (just the Cries of the Past cd), trivium, dream theater,and wuthering heights. always open for any suggestions to other bands!
I've been reading this borad for quite a while, and registerd to post quite recently.
I live in the middle of fucking nowhere- Alaska, can't get any worse than that, hoping to move soon, looking for some good state to live in- suggestions??
I've been playing keyboards for about 4 years. I got into Bodom two years ago, never managed to see them live yet.
hey delirium:D Alaska's not so bad, not compared to the Fraser Valley of BC, but hey what can we do eh:) anyway have fun posting on the board:D and cool you play keyboards, glad to see somebody who plays something other than guitar around here hahaha:D [j/k all you guitarists you know Halfie loves you lol];)
angelbelow said:
hey guys i just joined today. my name is Will, im chinese and i live in california. basically i listen to all types of rock and recently been more into metal. cob is rapidly becoming my favorite band. my other favorites are underoath (just the Cries of the Past cd), trivium, dream theater,and wuthering heights. always open for any suggestions to other bands!

Hey, I'm Chinese too