"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

Ello All.

I've been new here since uhh..yesterday.

I'm female, from Canada, I play guitar and I'm an artist. I just finished some drawings and what not of Bodom. Heh.

Let's see...I like metal, guitar, singing, art, photography, writing, reading. Meh...all of that good stuff.

Nothing exciting about me.
hey, i registered kind of a while ago but i just started posting here. yeah, so i'm not really sure what i'm supposed to say here but...
i'm from the us, i'm 16, i'm a girl, and i've been listening to cob for about 6 months. i saw 'em play for the first time in new york last november. :headbang: i like most kinds of metal and also some punk and hardcore.
I registered here a while ago, never seemed to post, but meh.. What is there to say, I play guitar, Alexi is my idol :worship: and I drink alot of milk, hehe. yea, thats it
Hello, my name is Andrew, or as my buds call me, Kizak/Andyman, anyone of those... favorite bands include Megadeth, Death, Metallica, Tool, Ozzy Osbourne, Arsis, Kreator, Slayer, and obviously, Children of Bodom (or why else would I be here, eh?). Well... that's all, I guess.

im from texas hate to use punctuation umm i try to check the spelling though im 18 i love chidren of bodom but cant find any cds the closest record store that caries it is in dallas over an hour away im a mega metallica fan but am getting into other stuff as well