"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

Hello, I'm new to the fansite fan of COB for about a year, wish I discovered you guys sooner! 23,F,portland,or, tomboy, rock n roll housewife & gourmet chef. Despized keyboards in metal that wasn't "industrial" 'till I heard Janne play on the "In your face" vid. Even how his keyboard is angled downward looks so bad*ss. So A LEGITIMATE QUESTION FOR JANNE-what is the demonic voice saying after Laiho screams the first "sex!sex!sex!" on "sixpounder" and how do you pronnounce your name(a dumber, but important question) (Jan?Ya-neh?Yanni?)Iwould be thrilled if you replied, its been frustrating the website not having enough memory to post this on "ask Janne"
Hello, I'm new to the fansite fan of COB for about a year, wish I discovered you guys sooner! 23,F,portland,or, tomboy, rock n roll housewife & gourmet chef. Despized keyboards in metal that wasn't "industrial" 'till I heard Janne play on the "In your face" vid. Even how his keyboard is angled downward looks so bad*ss. So A LEGITIMATE QUESTION FOR JANNE-what is the demonic voice saying after Laiho screams the first "sex!sex!sex!" on "sixpounder" and how do you pronnounce your name(a dumber, but important question) (Jan?Ya-neh?Yanni?)Iwould be thrilled if you replied, its been frustrating the website not having enough memory to post this on "ask Janne"
janne likes men... and nice fake account by the way :erk:
hiii ,my nickname is mima , and im 17 , im a Sagittarius , wondering if theres any Sagittarius ppl around here , hmmmm.