"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

ingrid said:

just wanted to say something to those people who call new people n00bs and insult them. I've been here for quite a while and most of you guys are new compared to me. so you n00bs, first of all learn what n00b really means and then talk:p theres a slight difference between a n00b and a newbie, that is, a newbie knows how to act and talk but a n00b does not. so stop fucking judging and discouraging the people from their first posts and let them, hopefully, get your "ghey" forum into a better condition.

you n00bs.
Raistlin Majere said:
just wanted to say something to those people who call new people n00bs and insult them. I've been here for quite a while and most of you guys are new compared to me. so you n00bs, first of all learn what n00b really means and then talk:p theres a slight difference between a n00b and a newbie, that is, a newbie knows how to act and talk but a n00b does not. so stop fucking judging and discouraging the people from their first posts and let them, hopefully, get your "ghey" forum into a better condition.

you n00bs.

The regular cobotter this day is the very definition of n00b, no matter their post count/join date.
hi. im new. im a fangirl, cant help it. well... I play guitar, violin and piano, and my life is about music and Finland. I'm 15 years old and from Québec, Canada btw.

I've been into COB since march, yeah that's not a long time but I haven't spent a day without listening to them ever since I've started.

I love to play their songs, well, more likely to try to play their songs, because I'm not as good as Alexi. Obviously.

well.. thats all about me.... oh and if you search my username on the net you'll find mostly The Rasmus stuff because they used to be my favorite band and I still love them a lot and I don't care if they're not metal I listen to many bands, and the style doesn't matter, as long as I like what they are doing. just so you don't get surprised if you stumble across some slash fanfiction or obsessive letter to Lauri Ylönen...
jmbullet said:
hi. im new. im a fangirl, cant help it. well... I play guitar, violin and piano, and my life is about music and Finland. I'm 15 years old and from Québec, Canada btw.

I've been into COB since march, yeah that's not a long time but I haven't spent a day without listening to them ever since I've started.

I love to play their songs, well, more likely to try to play their songs, because I'm not as good as Alexi. Obviously.

well.. thats all about me.... oh and if you search my username on the net you'll find mostly The Rasmus stuff because they used to be my favorite band and I still love them a lot and I don't care if they're not metal I listen to many bands, and the style doesn't matter, as long as I like what they are doing. just so you don't get surprised if you stumble across some slash fanfiction or obsessive letter to Lauri Ylönen...

Hi and btw, why do you want to move over there...I mean, we've got some good stuff over here and our baws get freeze almost all the year.:D
detski sad potamushta slishkam mnoga detishak tut polnuyu 4ush porat..
vobshem sama uvidesh, tak shto spakoina izvrashaisya nadnimi
ya poashrayu takih :)

ya sam... nu.... ya radilsia v rasii uyehal v XXXX detskam vozraste i se4as opat' uyejayu no na etat raz v germaniyu
Ruins said:
detski sad potamushta slishkam mnoga detishak tut polnuyu 4ush porat..
vobshem sama uvidesh, tak shto spakoina izvrashaisya nadnimi
ya poashrayu takih :)

ya sam... nu.... ya radilsia v rasii uyehal v XXXX detskam vozraste i se4as opat' uyejayu no na etat raz v germaniyu

Zna4it mogno vseh ostebivat' po polnoy proramme =) Eto ya lublu! =)

A ya v M-city givy...uge nadoelo tut!
Bastard child said:
Hi and btw, why do you want to move over there...I mean, we've got some good stuff over here and our baws get freeze almost all the year.:D
Because Quebec is full of French People :O!!!

:p *runs hides*