"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

Benighted1 said:
I can see from your vocab, I am talking to someone not much older than the 5 year old :lol:
i am 6
o and btw Lord of the rings which has some of the most beautiful scenery in any movie was made here...
and so what if we try and save whales, least we dont slaughter them by the ton like the Japanese...
hobbits can suck my dick, that movie has SGI up the ass. And whales and fucking gay, fat, and useless. Only a complete cock sucker would try to save them. And Japan pwns you soul they spawned X Japan

o and if it was couldnt cock rider, wouldnt it be starring you? We wouldn't you ugly mug in a movie now would we?
no idea what your fucking saying here
Well, I might as well make use of the thread before this turns into a cocktard contest. The name's Miracle Man, I'm new to Children of Bodom having only liked them for three months. I'm into 80's hair metal, and if you don't like it, bite it. I play guitar but not that well, having only been playing for a year. Overall, I'm glad to be part of the "Hatecrew"
Benighted1 said:
Whats wrong with been from NZ buddy? and your 2nd sentence doesnt even make sense btw..

edit:- Ok I see what you are saying after reading his long not funny name......

I bet you are from america, the land of the free (yea right) you guys have less real freedom than most western countries. :lol:

Stick it to da man brotha. Peace out
war_blade you're gay cause whales arent gay(and even if one of them is gay, at least he s not gay as you :p )!