"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

Heyaa to all the Cob fans:D :D :D

I am a female Metalhead:headbang: .
158 cm.
like: Kalmah, etos, seven dust,soilwork,old man's child, inflames stuff.
love to hang around and joke:)

thats all.
'nuff I guess;)
Well, I guess I should introduce myself too :p Name's Hanna, I live in Wasa, Finland and my passion in life is guitars. I'm a guitarist myself, been playing for some 3 years now, and my precious is a DV8, which I have loved dearly since July this year. I've got a Strat too. I play in several bands, in one of them bass actually and I also sing a lot. I'd describe myself as a wild child and people claim I'm funny. Usually I speak before I think so 'it happens' that I get myself in trouble and apparently piss people off. Some are so sensitive.. Nah, I'm really a nice person.

The bands I listen too are too many to name, but the ones that have an extra special place in my heart are Iron Maiden (also including Bruce's & Adrian's solo stuff), Megadeth, Children of Bodom (surprise, surprise), Pantera, WASP, Led Zeppelin & old Metallica.

If anyone has anything more they wanna know just y'know...ask.

oohh btw, if someone's on the Iron Maiden BB I'm Euphoria over there :D
I'm one of the Scottish contingent (we rock!). I'm pretty new here myself, but fuck it...welcome!

P.s...your the hot lady from the pictures forum yeah? (nice megadeth t-shirt)
Eh, well i'm not really "new" here. i'm sure some of you seen me at one time or another. i've just started posting more frequently recently. i'm a fan of bodom(and have been for about three years now). Anyway, yeah. Hi. My name's Kelly and I live in southern california. It's quite smoggy here. I don't know what else to say.
Final_Product said:
I'm one of the Scottish contingent (we rock!). I'm pretty new here myself, but fuck it...welcome!

P.s...your the hot lady from the pictures forum yeah? (nice megadeth t-shirt)

well...that would be me, yes :lol: and thank you ;)

you scots will never rock as much as us finns tho! :p

Tut Ankh Amon said:
hey man, no manwhoring yourself on the newbies thread, wait for a better situation

welcome too :D

:lol:...thanks, I'm sure I'll enjoy myself :D