Hendrix - what are your thoughts?


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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We all know who he is and many of his songs.

Do you consider him overrated? Or even underrated? Was he as innovative as the media proclaims?

I have a "hits" collection for years, but only recently began to listen to it. I like what I hear and am considering venturing into his actual albums.

What are your thoughts?
Hamock - That was a bit ignorant , I think .

Getting back to the subject - Hendrix was amazingly talented and a great performer . I like his music .

He also had the largest penis in rock and roll history :tickled:
Hendrix was the man.

The best guitarist ever. He codified what rock guitar could/should sound like.

The first (only) three Jimi Hendrix Experience albums are absolutely essential for any serious rock fan.

Start with Are You Experienced?

Then Axis: Bold As Love, and Electric Ladyland.
Hamock said:
gmd does not observe black history month sorry
Fuck you^

Hendrix was a fucking pioneer of electric guitar. ANY distorted "guitar player" who disses Jimi is an arrogant idiot.
Ex-cally-boo said:
He is pretty fucking overrated.
And you are a nobody. That's why you're here so much. Why don't you use a picture of Justin Timberlake for the next version of your avatar?! Dude, all you ever do is make these arrogant little statements that only expose just how fucking pretentious and shallow you really are. How can you be this "sophisticated metal scholar" that you try so hard to come off as (I've read your bullshit) and put down a dead guy who is responsible for some of the most vital ingredients of this very music that you pretend to be so fucking educated in. :Smug: Poser.
VadimVon said:
And you are a nobody. That's why you're here so much. Why don't you use a picture of Justin Timberlake for the next version of your avatar?! Dude, all you ever do is make these arrogant little statements that only expose just how fucking pretentious and shallow you really are. How can you be this "sophisticated metal scholar" that you try so hard to come off as (I've read your bullshit) and put down a dead guy who is responsible for some of the most vital ingredients of this very music that you pretend to be so fucking educated in. :Smug: Poser.
Oh, I never said he wasn't good or influential, just that he is totally overrated. He was not as talented as most people thought, his technique was VERY sloppy.

He was talented yes, but like Dimebag, due to a "tragic" death he is overrated to hell by fanboys and "classic rock" nerds alike.
"Underrated"? Haha, I can't think of a list or poll in guitar magazines or Rolling Stone that didn't include him somewhere at the top.

I was a big fan of his when I was younger though. Even though he was clearly a blues/rock musician at heart, he seemed of doing a lot of unique things musically, aside from the obvious live theatrics. And even though a lot of people seem to scoff at the idea of him helping to lay the groundwork for metal, he could sound pretty damn heavy for his time.
Ex-cally-boo said:
Oh, I never said he wasn't good or influential, just that he is totally overrated. He was not as talented as most people thought, his technique was VERY sloppy.

He was talented yes, but like Dimebag, due to a "tragic" death he is overrated to hell by fanboys and "classic rock" nerds alike.
:lol: Yeah, yeah, go ahead on and backtrack on that bullshit, little girl!:lol: :lol: :lol:
Jimi is a legend, and not an overrated one - who else did what he was doing before or during his time? Who else fucked with a piece of shit Fender whammy and made it do THAT while managing to somehow stay in tune? Who do you think was the first guy to intentionally incorporate fingertapping into his playing? Van fucking Halen??? Who else purposely used live and studio feedback to his advantage to create such soundscapes as Hendrix did? Even in your weak response you somehow manage to backtrack on your own words. "not talented", but "talented"? Its so laughable to see a pretentious dweeb with no life try to justify himself while ripping on not just one, but TWO guitar legends at the same time!
It's even more laughable to see someone get so angry over an honest post on an internet messageboard.

edit he's dead I don't think he has many thoughts
He was a great player in them days, he pioneered many techniques and so one, but you cant really say he is the "best" when there are so many amazing guitarists out there.