He's not dead... yet.

I don't care if MFJ lied to the people of this forum. People tend to use lies to cover up addictions, right? So I can't really blame him for that, in fact it is to be expected. I will definitely not get worked up about it, not even after being called scum in that old Amsterdam thread.

And with those words I say good night.
relax people.

Let's not get all worked out over this and lets not forget two things:

First, heroin is digusting, and the addiction to it is gross and hard. Hard to get out from it, and hard to see people who are in it
simply because it is not a pretty site- AT ALL. Saying: "i hate drug addicts" is Cara's right... we all go out of line here on daily basis,
what's with all the silk gloves all of a sudden? I hate drug addicts too, wait no: I dispise them. they disgust me: but then again:
they disgust anyone who is not into that world.
No wait! it's disgusting even to people who are IN this world, so saying it:


SECOND: I do not wish anyone to go through this. *Anyone*. It makes me sad to see and hear about Max's addiction and I trully feel bad for him.
I meant it when I said that I wish him luck, and I do.
I think that by him coming here and addmitting something- is a great step forward and I appreciate it and I think all of us should.
Being in Amsterdam has nothing to do with him getting deeper into it... seriously.
I also believe that on certain matters, as important as this one: sometimes it's better to keep my personal opinions to myself...
He has many good friends here who wish to see him well, and giving him the "tough love" may not be the place.
I'll leave that to his sponsor/ rehab instructor.

Good luck MFJ, and rememeber- many have been on your path and many got out of it.
Do it for yourself and make *yourself* proud. heroin is disgusting and it will kill you- you don't need this. .
Susperia, I've never found reason to raise arms against anything you've said, but you cannot possibly hope to understand the situation simply through tidbits you've garnered over the internet. And to be fair, you were the one who insulted him first buy insinuating it was "funny" the situation he is in.
I see............................................... :rolleyes:

Edit: You calling me a slut just made me lose any shred I had left of respect for you. I'm sorry, I don't even know you. All I know is I have very little respect for drug addicts------And even less for those who act like THEY'RE the fucking victims and expect everyone's fucking sympathy for something YOU did to YOURSELF! I'm glad you're trying to straighten your fucked up self out but FUCK if I'm going to give you pity points for any of it!!

I personally find it outrageous that everyone here completely disregarded the fact you promised you weren't going to do drugs again and that you were clean and then you went and did this AND THEN were giving you their deepest sympathies like the drugs somehow attacked you in the dark of night without your knowing. I'm sorry but when you're addicted to drugs, a lot of the time you need a good dose of tough love, and someone to tell you you did it to your self. And to stop acting like 'oh poor little me'.

YOU are the one involved in bullshit NOT ME.


didn't read it. clearly you have no idea what 'addiction' actually is
relax people.

Let's not get all worked out over this and lets not forget two things:

First, heroin is digusting, and the addiction to it is gross and hard. Hard to get out from it, and hard to see people who are in it
simply because it is not a pretty site- AT ALL. Saying: "i hate drug addicts" is Cara's right... we all go out of line here on daily basis,
what's with all the silk gloves all of a sudden? I hate drug addicts too, wait no: I dispise them. they disgust me: but then again:
they disgust anyone who is not into that world.
No wait! it's disgusting even to people who are IN this world, so saying it:


SECOND: I do not wish anyone to go through this. *Anyone*. It makes me sad to see and hear about Max's addiction and I trully feel bad for him.
I meant it when I said that I wish him luck, and I do.
I think that by him coming here and addmitting something- is a great step forward and I appreciate it and I think all of us should.
Being in Amsterdam has nothing to do with him getting deeper into it... seriously.
I also believe that on certain matters, as important as this one: sometimes it's better to keep my personal opinions to myself...
He has many good friends here who wish to see him well, and giving him the "tough love" may not be the place.
I'll leave that to his sponsor/ rehab instructor.

Good luck MFJ, and rememeber- many have been on your path and many got out of it.
Do it for yourself and make *yourself* proud. heroin is disgusting and it will kill you- you don't need this. .

well said kawen. i really, really hate when anyone i care about partakes in drugs or even casually jokes or talks about doing so. maybe that's selfish on my part, but there's nothing i hate more than watching someone's personality change and mental/physical longevity diminish even slightly, due to drug use.

to be honest, i was angry with max years ago because i knew what he was getting himself into, after he previously had some of the same anti-drug views that i have. but my time to be angry with him is long passed, and now i just wish him the best for a full recovery and a GRAND RETURN, as he put it. :kickass:

<3 max :(
Cara's not seeing the difference between lying and failing to maintain a goal one has set out to do. It's not like Max wants to be addicted to heroin and just told everyone he was going to Amsterdam to help get over his addiction so everyone would get off of his ass on an internet forum. He, at the time, obviously really intended to do his best to kick the habit as much as possible. Failing to do so is not lying. In fact, it's pretty stupid for somebody to even think that it was lying. You don't have to hate people addicted to drugs in order to hate drugs and what they do to people, you know. Of course, not all drug addicts are worthy of sympathy (some would say most, and I'm not in a position to argue), but that doesn't mean that all drug addicts (and addicts of any sort) are all worthless human beings and everything is all their fault.
Cara's not seeing the difference between lying and failing to maintain a goal one has set out to do. It's not like Max wants to be addicted to heroin and just told everyone he was going to Amsterdam to help get over his addiction so everyone would get off of his ass on an internet forum. He, at the time, obviously really intended to do his best to kick the habit as much as possible. Failing to do so is not lying. In fact, it's pretty stupid for somebody to even think that it was lying. You don't have to hate people addicted to drugs in order to hate drugs and what they do to people, you know. Of course, not all drug addicts are worthy of sympathy (some would say most, and I'm not in a position to argue), but that doesn't mean that all drug addicts (and addicts of any sort) are all worthless human beings and everything is all their fault.

Definitely a good post here.

I've learned that I should never give someone a hard time for failing to quit an addiction since I can't even give up smoking weed which isn't even physically addictive :erk:
^^ wrong, weed has been proven to cause addiction just as much as other substances. Now you have an excuse to keep smoking:P
Psychological addiction, not physical.


This is why I can randomly quit for a couple of months without any noticeable symptoms affecting my day to day life, but I eventually just crave that awesome feeling or am offered bud by someone and can't pass up the opportunity.

But I wouldn't want to divert attention from the real point in this thread: to gang up against Susperia, who for once is actually being a stupid jerk. Ignorance is bliss, as they say, I suppose.
ahah that's bringing another interesting point....... I absolutely hate people that do drugs and justify themselves by saying it's for the "experience". Fuck you! (not said towards anyone on this board particularly)