Hey Mike what do you think of Devin Townsend?

man,didnt you know that he´s cut his hair and shaved?thats how he looks like without them!:)

:lol: Did his hair add like 200 pounds or what?


Will the real Gene please stand up?
It's funny how Gene's entire body is practically pouring over his poor, tiny drum stool whenever he plays lol

Haha, nice image. Yeah well he fucking blew me away when I first listened to Death. I never would have believed the guy was that big, hes fucking fast!
Devin Townsend is amazing...Canadians always are...except Celine Dion/Barenaked Ladies and the Crash Test Dummies...you Americans can have them!
They really are so different aren't they? It would be neat to see what they come up with but i'd rather see Swano in the mix although hes busy as shit probably.
and as far as writers go you cant really point something out that is "better" than Dev's solo work. There's nothing like any of those albums really...Terria, Ocean Machine and Infinity are 3 of my top 10 albums easily. I always want more Dan AND Dev so i'd rather see them two but would love Mike to join in. Don't forget Ziltoid of course. ZTO!
i met Devin Townsend at an Opeth show the last time they played at the Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver. All of SYL was there actually. Gene hopped into the moshpit at one point which was both hilarious and scary haha